Apply for environmental awareness funding

The $30,000 Environmental Awareness Fund (EAF) supports the efforts of grassroots organizations to educate, engage and connect Yukon communities with the territory’s natural environment to promote conservation, biodiversity, sustainability and stewardship.

Who can apply

Registered organizations in good standing under the Societies Act.

How much money can I apply for?

Applications must include a detailed budget with a request for funding up to $30,000.

What projects are eligible

See details and examples about funding eligibility in the Terms of Reference.

Starting this year, projects that address an annual focus will be given extra points during the funding review process. You can see more details about this process in the Terms of Reference.

We will identify these annual focus topics every 2 years. Because 2 years’ notice was not possible for 2021-2022, the topic will remain the same for 2022-2023, giving applicants ample time to consider eligible projects.

Focus topic

2021-22: stopping and cleaning up illegal dumping.

2022-23: stopping and cleaning up illegal dumping.

See more about eligibility in the application package and in the Terms of Reference.


The deadline to apply was 4:30 p.m. on March 1. 

If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, applications must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on the first business day following the deadline. 

We will not consider late applications for funding.


  1. Read about the review committee and how applications are assessed in the updated Terms of Reference.
  2. Read the application package and complete all of the materials required.
  3. Submit your application package.
    • Email (preferred method):
    • In person (in a clearly marked envelope): at the Department of Environment office at 10 Burns Road in Whitehorse. We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
    • Mail:
      Government of Yukon
      Environmental Awareness Fund (V-3A)
      c/o EAF
      Box 2703
      Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

After you apply

All applicants will receive written confirmation of the outcome of their application to the contact information they provided. Please allow up to 4 weeks for processing.
We would like to hear your feedback about the fund overall, the new forms and focus topic criteria. If you are interested in sharing your thoughts and answering a few questions please contact

If you are successful

Every year we will post all successful projects on this page by organization name.

The recipient and the Government of Yukon will establish a transfer payment agreement, created from the completed application form and written notification of funding. This will be in accordance with the Government of Yukon’s Transfer Payment Policy. 

To get advance or reimbursement payments, you will need to submit a Financial/ Cash Flow Report  and any invoices/receipts as supporting documentation, if applicable. 

When the project is complete, you must submit a Final Project Report  and a Financial/Cash Flow Report with any applicable invoices/receipts to receive the last instalment of funds. 

All final reports are due by March 1 but may be submitted sooner.

Projects awarded funding in 2021-22

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) - Yukon

Project: McIntyre Creek Wildlife Corridor Research & Knowledge Sharing

  • CPAWS Yukon will facilitate a multilayered research project to understand how human activities impact wildlife around McIntyre Creek.

Raven Recycling Society and Zero Waste Yukon

Project: Rec(ycle) Your Wreck

  • Raven Recycling Society and Zero Waste Yukon will inform Yukoners about how to recycle their vehicles .

Whitehorse Community Thrift Store

Project: Cost of Cloths - what our fashion habits are costing our planet 

  • Together with other thrift stores, the Whitehorse Community Thrift Store will lead a public education campaign about the social and environmental costs of our consumer habits with respect to clothing.

Yukon Canoe and Kayak Club

Project: Yukon Rivers Assessment project & Yukon Rivers Information website

  • YCKC will conduct impact assessments of human use on a number of Yukon rivers in the territory to help inform strategic decisions about management, and direct clean up of human-caused waste. A public website will be developed to educate and inform river users on best practices.