Lieutenant Governor Awards


Outstanding Service to Rural Saskatchewan

The Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Outstanding Service to Rural Saskatchewan was established in 1995 by the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities.

The award honours a retired reeve, councilor, or administrator for his or her contribution to rural Saskatchewan, and is presented by the Lieutenant Governor at the annual Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities Convention.

Nominations are submitted to the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities Office. A selection committee reviews the nominations to select one individual for his or her achievements in making rural Saskatchewan a better place to live.

For further information about this award, please contact the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities at 306-757-3577 or

Northern Student Achievement

The Northern Student Achievement Awards were established in 1989 by the Ministry of Education, and includes The Lieutenant Governor’s Award of Excellence. The Award recognizes one outstanding student at each grade level from grades 7 to 12 in northern Saskatchewan schools.

For further information, please contact Thomas Sierzycki of the Ministry of Education at or at 306-425-4382.

Lifetime Achievement in the Arts

Presented by the Saskatchewan Arts Board, the Lieutenant Governor’s Lifetime Achievement Award celebrates an individual, group or collective engaged in the arts in Saskatchewan who: is recognized as an established professional in their field who has reached an advanced level of accomplishment; has produced a substantive, cumulative and prominent body of work or has a history of continued contribution to the arts over a number of years, and has had a particularly significant impact on the arts in Saskatchewan through distinguished lifelong career achievements; has attained critical recognition nationally and internationally for an art practice and/or outstanding sustained and progressive contribution to the arts.

For further information, visit, or contact the Arts Board at or 1-800-667-7526.

Regina Men's Bonspiel

The winning team at the Regina Men’s Bonspiel is presented with the Lieutenant Governor’s Medal following the final draw of the event each year.


The Institute of Public Administration of Canada in Saskatchewan annually awards a gold medal as a mark of distinction and exceptional achievement to a person who has shown distinctive leadership in public administration in Saskatchewan, or has made a significant contribution in the field of public administration in Saskatchewan.

For further information about this award, please visit the IPAC website.

Association of Consulting Engineering Companies - Saskatchewan

The Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Meritorious Achievement Award was established in 2002 by the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies - Saskatchewan (ACEC-SK) as part of the ACEC-SK Awards of Excellence program.

The Award recognizes a Saskatchewan resident for his or her outstanding achievements and contributions to the consulting engineering and geoscience industry in the province, whether technical or managerial in nature, taking into consideration the individual’s contributions to business and society.

For more information, please contact the ACEC-SK by phone at 306-359-3338 or by e-mail at

Heritage Architecture Excellence

Heritage Saskatchewan manages the Lieutenant Governor’s Heritage Excellence Awards. The Lieutenant Governor presents the awards each year at Government House in Regina.  For more information about the award program please visit their website at