CBC.ca Ottawa
CBC Radio One All In A Day
Math Radio

All in a Day is offering a glimpse into the world of math that surrounds us. Our guide is Carleton Professor Brett Stevens.

December 03, 2007
Next time you go out for Chinese food, take a closer look at your fortune.  Printed on the back of that little white strip of paper are 6 numbers. Those 6 numbers might be your ticket to winning the lottery. Today on Math Radio, Math Professor Brett Stevens shows us how to make sure your lucky numbers are just yours, through something called Zero Knowledge Protocol.
Listen (Runs 10:22)

November 19, 2007
Today on Math Radio, Brett Stevens looks at how the pattern and sequence of numbers used in binary code language helps Canada Post get your mail to your mailbox.
Listen (Runs 9:41)

November 05, 2007
On Math Radio Brett Stevens uncovers the mathematics behind those surprising occurrences we love to tell our friends about.
Listen (Runs 9:05)

October 22, 2007
Math radio returns with a field trip to the art gallery. Brett Stevens talks about two artists who have a history of basing their artwork on math.
Listen (Runs 8:12)

October 9, 2007
All in a Day is offering a glimpse into the world of math that surrounds us.  Our guide is Carleton Professor Brett Stevens.  Last time on Math Radio, he looked at the role it plays in literature.  Today, he turns to music.  17th Century bell ringing to be exact.
Listen (Runs 11:10)

Sept 24, 2007
Brett Stevens is an associate professor of mathematics at Carleton University.  Every two weeks, he'll show us a connection between mathematics and the world around us.  Today on Math Radio, Brett Stevens explores the relationship between Math and Literature.
Listen (Runs 9:50)
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