
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Where can I find the Radio 2 schedule?
    • The Radio 2 Schedule page lists programs by date and time of broadcast.

  • How can I find more information about a Radio 2 program or host?
    • You can access program and host pages by visiting the Programs section or by clicking on a program name in the Schedule.

  • How can I find out more about a piece of music I heard on CBC Radio 2?
    • Click on the Playlists link in the left-hand navigation area.
      You will see a list of the programs airing on CBC Radio 2 today.

      If you know which program played the piece of music:
      Click the program name to see a list of the music played on that program.

      If you do not know which program played the piece of music:
      Click on "Expand All" near the top left of the Playlist page to see the playlist for the entire day.

      If you heard the piece of music on a day other than today:
      Use the drop-down calendar menu at the top of the Playlist page to select the day you heard the music and then click on the name of the program that played the piece of music.

  • How can I contact a Radio 2 program?
    • In the Programs section select the program you want to contact. If a contact form is available for the show, you will be able to access it via their program and host page.

      If you want to make a general comment, complaint or enquiry about Radio 2, please visit the Contact Us page.

  • I would like to make a general comment about Radio 2. Who do I send my comments to?
    • To make a general comment, complaint or enquiry about Radio 2, please visit the Contact Us page.

      To contact a specific Radio 2 program, click on the program you want to contact in the Programs section. If a contact form is available for the show, it will be on its program and host page.

  • How do I find a Radio 2 frequency on my radio dial?
    • To view the Radio 2 frequencies that are available in your area, please visit our Channels & Frequencies page.

  • How do I report an over-the-air Radio technical problem?
  • Why can’t I hear all Radio 2 programs on demand?
    • Due to rights issues the CBC cannot, at the present time, offer Radio 2 programs on demand; however, you can listen to all of your favorite Radio 2 programs streaming live online.

  • I am having display problems with the Radio 2 website. What should I do?
  • I can't find an answer to my question. What should I do now?
    • Check to see if your question is answered on the General CBC FAQ page. If not you may wish to Contact Us to find the information you need.

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    Online Listening Help

    Music Channels Help
  • Where do I go to connect to your Radio 2 channels online?
    • The simplest way to find our Radio 2 channels is to visit our Radio Channels Information page.

      Alternately, you can reach the Radio 2 channels by visiting the home page. Scroll down until you spot the "cbcradio" section that appears halfway down the left-hand side of the home page, and you will see "listen online" links that will enable you to listen to each of our four new specialty Radio 2 channels.

  • How do I listen to the new web channels using my own preferred Media Player?
    • If you prefer to use iTunes, we are listed in their Online Radio directory, and you can get more instruction on that by clicking here:

    • If you are using Windows Media Player (you will need Version 11) or WinAmp or RealMedia Player, you need to take the URL that is listed under the channel you are interested in, copy it, and then open up your player, find the drop-down that lists 'Open URL' and paste that URL you copied into the pop-up window that appears.

    • The URLS are as follows:



      Canadian Songwriters:

      Canadian Composers:

  • Can't you offer faster/better quality Radio channels online? Your best channel is 32kbits/sec and it makes music sound like it has been recorded underwater!
    • As part of our commitment to offering our audience a revitalized Radio 2, we are pleased to offer you higher quality channels (running between 128-192kbits/second). Now, when you access any of our online Radio 2 channels — including our four new genre-specific channels (Classical, Jazz, Canadian Songwriters and Canadian Composers) — you can expect to hear a vast improvement in audio quality, and nothing that sounds garbled or waterlogged.

  • I'm enjoying your new Radio player, but I notice that when I'm listening to Radio 2 online, every time I leave the player page, even if it's just for a second, I lose my connection to the show I'm listening to. Any suggestions on how to avoid this? It's really annoying having to reconnect all the time.
    • Clicking on most of the links to our live Radio 2 channels will automatically activate a pop-up version of our Radio player; however, if you are accessing the Radio 2 channels featured on our New Radio 2 Player page, you will be listening to the channels with a player that is embedded in the page. If you attempt to leave the page while you are listening to a program online, you will be disconnected.

      To prevent this from happening in future, click on the grey "Pop-up" button located in the lower-right-hand corner of the embedded player when you are ready to access Radio 2 online. This will activate a pop-up version of the player, and you can listen to Radio 2 and visit other web pages without losing your connection to the channel.

  • When I try to connect to Radio 2 via your "Listen Live" links, it still takes me a long time to connect and there are moments where the audio cuts out even after I've connected to the channel. What's causing these delays and interruptions?
    • Whenever you use a media player, you can expect to encounter a bit of buffering time before you successfully connect and the channel starts playing. How long you wait depends on your computer's connection speed. If your home computer is running on a dial-up connection, you can expect to take a little longer to connect to the channel.

      Similarly, your home computer's connection speed will affect the quality of the audio broadcasts you listen to online. If your computer is running on a slower connection (e.g. dial-up), you will hear hiccups or pauses in the audio more frequently. We advise Radio 2 listeners to try to listen to our audio channels via a high-speed connection whenever possible to receive the best online listening experience.

  • Can you please provide artist's names and song titles alongside the shows we are listening to online?
    • In our efforts to provide our avid Radio 2 listeners with a revamped and revitalized online experience, we were determined to offer the kind of songlist feature you are describing.

      We are pleased to announce that when you connect to one of Radio 2's four new genre-specific channels (Classical, Jazz, Canadian Songwriters and Canadian Composers), you will be able to see both the title of the piece of music you are hearing and the name of the artist/orchestra that is performing displayed on the media player while you listen. We also encourage you to explore the "Up Next" tab (which helps you look ahead to the which piece of music will be played next) and the "Playlist History" tab (which enables you to see a list of the last 10 pieces of music you have heard) on the new Radio 2 player — they provide two more ways to get the most out of your online listening experience.

      Due to technical limitations, these special features are currently only available when listening to Radio 2's four new channels. Please be assured, we are exploring every option to provide this feature for our Radio Two broadcast channels.

  • Lately when I'm listening online, I notice a counter in the bottom corner of the page. I assumed this was monitoring the length of individual tracks, but after a song ends, it just keeps on counting. What is this counter measuring, exactly?
    • The time code featured in the lower-right-hand corner of the New Radio 2 Player is actually monitoring the amount of time you are listening to the live channel. When you connect to a channel, the counter starts at 00:00:00, and it will count upwards for as long as you remain connected. So, if you stop listening after 11 minutes and 23 seconds, the counter will read 00:11:23 just before you disconnect.

      The counter always lets you know you are connected to the channel. If the time code is running and you don't hear anything, you may need to adjust your volume settings or check to ensure your speakers are working properly.

  • I keep looking for a pause button on the Radio player and I still can't find one. Am I looking in the wrong place?
    • Because all of the programs you are listening to on the Radio player are live (rather than pre-recorded), we are not able to provide a pause feature. If you choose to stop listening to a show, you are effectively disconnecting and leaving the live Radio feed. Similarly, when you return to a live channel after a break, you will return to the show while it is in progress, not at the very beginning of the broadcast.

  • I'm an avid Radio 2 listener, and am starting to listen to your new shows online. The only problem is the live channel seems to be incredibly loud on my computer! Is there any way I can adjust the volume?
    • To adjust the volume when you're listening to one of our online channels, just look for the little speaker icon on the right-hand side of the blue band that runs across the Radio player window. When you click on the speaker icon, a transparent slider will appear. By moving this slider up or, in your case, down, you can adjust the volume of the channel you are listening to.

  • Can I skip over a song I don't like, the way I do on iTunes?
    • All of the Radio 2 channels CBC offers online are live (as opposed to pre-taped broadcasts). As a result, when you are listening to a Radio 2 program on the Radio player, you are hearing the show as it unfolds live, and you will not be able to skip over any songs.

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    Listen Live & Concerts on Demand Player Help
  • How do I listen to Radio 2 streaming audio on my computer?
    • CBC Radio 2 streams its content as Windows Media. Windows Media Player is a downloadable application that is available for PCs, Macs and many handheld devices. You will need to download and install the free Windows Media Player to access the audio on this site.

  • How do I install Windows Media Player?
  • My Windows Media Player is having trouble “locating media” and asks me to “verify path name and file name.” What do I do?
  • I am using a Mac. How do I listen to CBC streaming audio?
    • For OS X 10.3.9 or higher, you will need the Flip4Mac Windows Media plugin.

      For OS X 10.3.8 or lower, you will need Windows Media Player 7.1

      After you've downloaded the correct codec or Media Player you may need to quit your browser and then restart/re-open it for the player to work correctly.

      If you continue to experience problems, make sure you are using the latest version of Flip4Mac.

  • I am using a Unix system. How do I listen to CBC streaming audio?
    • Our CBC radio streams are compatible with Unix using the Mplayer plugin version 2.66 on Gentoo Linux 1.5.1 or FreeBSD 5.x.

      Mplayer tends to take longer to connect and buffer the stream than Windows Media player. To reduce the buffering time in Mplayer, update /etc/mplayerplug-in.conf by uncommenting the following line:


      Xine is an alternative player that works for Linux/UNIX:

      Find out more information about Xine on their website.

  • An error message has appeared. What can I do?
  • How do I clear the file history/ cache on Windows Media Player?
    • When you play audio using Windows Media Player, file history information is stored on your computer. You can prevent this from being stored by following the directions outlined within the Windows Media Player Usage history directions.

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Canada Live Podcast
Emilie-Claire Barlow

Emilie-Claire Barlow

Singer and voice actor Emilie-Claire Barlow performs song from her latest album "Haven't We Met."