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  1. There is a kid's Trick-or-Treat going on in Marina. Dad in Banana suit with five kids gave a "shoot me" look. Wife then hits him. #nobabies
  2. @jdm that is a sweet picture but you should throw in a hidden Zebra as well.
  3. @jdm much better. Now you just need a profile picture.
  4. @trammell nice. Don't know if I want to announce this, but you totally just passed my birthplace: Conway, Arkansas.
  5. Good win by Auburn today! #wardamneagle
  6. Today was a rough day. Looking to unwind tonight and relax.
  7. @joem why the uh oh?
  8. @jess nice! Good to see Fast Follow being utilized for such great purposes.
  9. @k yep. I removed it a few weeks ago. It's dead.
  10. It's official: @mobileteam Slurpee run at 1pm today. This changes everything... again.
  11. @aunder I agree. We need to all go out and celebrate six months! cc: @keltonlynn
  12. @keltonlynn apparently I am in the "(and more)" category.
  13. It hasn't been easy, but I may have finally mastered the art of broiling steak. It still isn't the same as an outdoor grill... sigh.
  14. Wow. What a game. Good win by Auburn today! #wareagle
  15. @bhaggs yes! We've got your friend right where we want them. #mwahaha
  16. Congrats to @greenebarron for making his first tweet ever on Fleet Week. Advice: Make your tweets sweet and don't be meek. #rhymesarefun
  17. America. Fuck yeah. #fleetweek
  18. @mdp nice. At least one person from the Twitter Georgia crowd is cheering for the Braves. Be proud of the ATL and all of it's... nevermind.