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  1. about to eat some chinese food. #YummY
  2. playing 18 songs (consecutively) on the jukebox is extremely awesome. cc/ @sirbrooks @benzyte
  3. happy birthday @benzyte! (@ Phone Booth)
  4. @katies ah but it wasn't served at 1:59, so you can't count it as truly nerdy
  5. @wyatt oh my god amazing. you should start setting them in london
  6. .@gmail nested labels are amazing! #aboutayearbehind #earlyadopter #jk
  7. @k she just changed into a black swimsuit and even higher heels.
  8. so this is happening... @ Coffee Bar
  9. .@isaach that's also a #fruitninjafact cc/ @asdf
  10. @sirbrooks #WelcomeTaUrf is now the official hashtag of capp town
  11. @oliryan i demand that our next team offsite be nut tasting
  12. @jwegener the one about your @airbnb guest taking the @foursquare mayorship of your apt out from under you. high quality stuff there, truly
  13. @sm i don't! @dsa RTed something of his and i felt compelled to respond
  14. @jwegener one of the best use cases i've seen for #firstworldproblems
  15. i have the best coworkers ever. thanks @stirman! #surprisescones
  16. leave it to @pragerd to intro me to yet another great band ( #followfriday
  17. holy shit: this IS happening. #japan #tsunami
  18. 20 Sad Etsy Boyfriends