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  1. @davidakin... agreed. Those who don't vote are destined to be governed by the choice of those who do. #elxn41
  2. @kady @mattlaschneider... oh, ok Kady you convinced me... I'll wait until E-Day to make up my mind... ;) #elxn41
  3. @montesolberg @powerstim @reutersLjungg... you're getting so buff you deserve to stop at Timmie's for a donut & double-double! #elxn41
  4. RT @nationalpost: Full Comment: John Ivison: Harper’s low-risk method could pay off at the polls said. #elxn41
  5. @chrisrands... well done. I hope lots of citizens see this and sort of get the idea of what it is they should be doing today! #elxn41
  6. @montesolberg...gym? Inside? On a day like this? Better to go outside for a long walk and take advantage of this weather...
  7. @stephen_taylor... you'd make a good MP... Unlike Mr Ignatieff, as your Whip I doubt I'd ever have too worry about your attendance! #elxn41
  8. @RichardMadan... I have to admit it looks better than the Stephan Dion address-to-the-nation video that folks still talk about! #elxn41
  9. @stephen_taylor... well, "they" don't call it a secret ballot for nothing I guess! #elxn41
  10. @davidakin @angrycanuck... Hmmmm.... ridings with 3+ all-candidate forums?.. in PG-PR, BC try 7-10! #elxn41
  11. @stephen_taylor... good for you Stephen... like I said to Jane Taber... can I guess who you voted for? :) #elxn41
  12. @davidakin... AGREED! Soldiers risk their lives to deliver ballot boxes to the front lines... at home citizens won't cross the St. #elxn41
  13. @InklessPW @cjchivers... sad story... such a waste.
  14. @davidakin @LibArtsAndMinds... avoiding debates? Let's talk about those MPs who avoid voting in the House of Commons? #elxn41
  15. @JaneTaber1... good for you Jane... can I guess who you voted for? :) #elxn41
  16. @globaltvnews... anything that reduces the stature of the separatists is good news for Canada, even (reluctantly) socialists. #elxn41
  17. @InklessPW... nope, no pressure... just wanted to reassure you on behalf of your 351 followers that we're still out here! #elxn41
  18. @globaltvnews..can hardly wait to hear Mr Layton's denials, course I'm a bit tainted having lived through his '08 coalition efforts #elxn41
  19. @InklessPW... to say "nobody pays attention to you" is a bit harsh, don't you think? We're all following VERY closely Mr Wells. #elxn41
  20. @InklessPW... you have way too long a memory... this is the 2011 election... #elxn41