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  1. Why it's safe to jump back on the Roberto Luongo bandwagon: #canucks
  2. My col on the reffing in Van-Chi series that has Globe commentors going crazy:
  3. Interesting tidbit: more Canucks wear helmets during pre-game skate at home than they do on the road. Why? #canucks
  4. Who would have imaged 'Nucks fans being ecstatic because Bryan Bickell isn't in Hawks lineup tonight? #canucks
  5. Is this the end of Hedy's run? RT @keithbaldrey: The Battle for B.C. ... 14 interesting races: #bcpoli #elxn41
  6. Who can think about politics? Am thinking Luongo should stick his finger down his throat before Game 7 tonight and he'll be fine #canucks
  7. @acoyne Thought the save was quick reflex and his momentum carried him forward. Don't think he was hit in mask. Whose was covering Smith?
  8. @acoyne huh? Don't think you can blame that one on him Andy. Although we will try
  9. Well, the best team did not win. So we go to a 7th game. Who starts for the Canucks? #canucks
  10. @CityCaucus I hear you. But it's great when a hockey game can give you that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach #canucks
  11. I actually don't want this game to end. What entertainment and drama. My God. #canucks
  12. Here we go ...#canucks
  13. If there's a Game 7, can someone teach Cory Schneider how to handle the puck before it begins? #canucks
  14. Luongo leads them back into battle for the second. #canucks
  15. Calm down? Hah. Fat chance now. The Hawks look dangerous every time they're in the #canucks end
  16. Wow. Rogers Arena in shock. I'm sure Luongo is too. #canucks
  17. Interesting: Cody Hodgson back in centering 3rd line. Raymond on his wing. Like the move #canucks