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  1. @Thomas_Chanzy funny :)
  2. oops flubbed called Marois premier....meant leader of PQ #cv11 #elxn41
  3. Why? RT @Thomas_Chanzy: @HannahThibedeau @kady @cpc_giorno You're looking for troubles, Hannah. ;-)
  4. Layton focused much of his Montreal speech on making the "winds of change" happen #cv11 #elxn41
  5. Harper focused much of his PEI speech on attacking the NDP #cv11 #elxn41
  6. I stand corrected RT @kady: According2 @RosieBarton, he ended up tkng a few.RT @HannahThibedeau: Layton is not tkng questions either #elxn41
  7. Layton is not tkng questions eitherRT @Thomas_Chanzy: @kady @cpc_giorno argued w/ @HannahThibedeau on twttr last nite ovr ths question.
  8. Layton not taking any questions today either?! #cv11 #elxn41