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  1. @RAndersonMLA Please tell me you're joking and that people actually know difference between prov and fed parties.
  2. New Nanos poll suggests SUN TV story backfired and has helped Layton, with people viewing "Bawdy Politic" as smear job. #cdnpoli #elxn41
  3. @JasonvanRassel Heh heh. Layton is aerodynamic with that clean cut
  4. @JasonvanRassel I'd watch #UFC, but if 2 guys are going to bludgeon each other, why not make it for the country, instead of a cheap belt?
  5. Headlines blaring "Bawdy Politic" today on Layton story. Seems to me it's more Gaudy Politics or Shoddy Politics. #yyc #cdnpoli #elxn41
  6. @acoyne Next thing you know an orange tide will sweep through Alberta. Errr... Maybe not.
  7. @Crockatteer fair enough. Hadn't seen those details if true. Why hasnt this come out over last 16 years? Hard to believe it's coincidence
  8. @Crockatteer Apologize for what? he got a massage at a registered massage studio and police found nothing wrong.