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  1. Balance! RT @scottfeschuk: I have been asked by the CBC to clarify that there may also be fajitas. Glad to have been able to clear that up.
  2. What about one projection now and an update later? RT @308dotcom: Have all of this morning's polls in the model, (cont)
  3. RT @acoyne: RT @bklunder: I'm sick of frat house nature of war rooms - thinking it fun to try to ruin lives and (cont)
  4. Bothersome #ndp #cpc RT @rolandparis: Refusal of "frontrunner" candidates to take questions on last (cont)
  5. RT @rolandparis: Good q. MT @JaredCohen: May 1 94: 300K people already dead in #Rwanda. Would world have been silent if Twitter was around?
  6. RT @KevinNewman_tv: Why did pollsters & media stop reporting Undecided #elex41? Still hard to know: How big (cont)
  7. RT @CBCAlerts: UN says it's pulling international staff out of Tripoli . Vandals attack UN offices, 2 embassies #libya
  8. RT @HannahThibedeau: RT @laura_payton: At Duceppe press conf fr this morning, supporters started to boo reporter (cont)
  9. RT @kady: RT @EmmMacfarlane: If there is low voter turnout I will blame @kady, who's made ZERO contribution to (cont)
  10. MEDIA ELITE!!! RT @RosieBarton: We're in Brockville. And yes. I prefer Starbucks. Hold your judgement. #elxn41
  11. @iancapstick pink. Patterns aren't my thing.
  12. @gmacofglebe @mcsmartypants sorry, they were lame when I saw them every summer in high school and they're more lame now.
  13. @GerryNic thanks. 39 again, I guess.
  14. Unconvinced RT @wicary: Majority barely an option, Stornoway up for grabs: @308dotcom crunches numbers as final (cont)
  15. RT @dgardner: RT @FarAndWide: @dgardner @SusanFelicity Conservatives used to LOVE Milewski when he was chewing (cont)
  16. Just don't do it standing in the dark. RT @gmacofglebe: Doesn't really matter RT @mcsmartypants: I have an (cont)
  17. Personal choice, if someone feels they cd be compromised, they have a right to abstain. Its not secret to the (cont)
  18. @kady @cdn_wit and some of them make the choice to not cast a ballot. Some people feel its a conflict of interest for them.
  19. @leaningcowboy @kady you DON'T have a good reason. Please vote!!!
  20. Me too when I was exclusively covering politics. Not now tho. RT @kady: Also Don Newman. RT @mcsmartypants: (cont)