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  1. Jim flaherty at a whitby gas station later today-message if you think gas high now,wait till you see price under ndp coalition #elxn41
  2. ignatieff says the fact that Jacques Parizeau will be with duceppe monday is a sign ducepppe is worried-
  3. Ignatieff says he will appear wednesday night with Jean chretien didn't say where.
  4. T
  5. Tories want Liberal health ad pulled say Harper missquoted
  6. tories say Auditor General draft report on summit spending does not reflect final report want AG and speaker to release final report .
  7. ndp still smarting over loss of Winnipeg North to the Liberals-.they're hoping Bill Blakie's daughter Rebecca can win back the seat#elxn41
  8. Tories platform date not determined but say the bulk of platform in the march 22nd budget.
  9. Ndp says platform will be out before the debates.
  10. Elizabeth may just said there's a lot of mano a mano toe to toe "c'mon guys its not a prize fight its democracy"
  11. May 2nd is the date
  12. Ok who thought of this? Ottawa the city that Spring forgot it's-17 outside Rideau Hall waiting for Stephen Harper to meet with GG
  13. How sweet the speaker's brother bill milliken is in the house to see his last hurrah!
  14. There were some nice moments before qp-departing chuck strahl went to shake ignatieffs hand they had a nice chat
  15. N
  16. What a day-final rowdy qp liberals keep yelling where's harper? Layton asks why has harper been sulking for three days
  17. Ignatieff says he'll introduce a non-confidence motion
  18. Pm took two questions that's it-then he zoomed back into the empty Commons
  19. What a morning in the foyer! Pm just said its not too late for the opposition to step back and support his budget
  20. Looks like there's no turning back-layton "we tried to make a go of it..canadians will have an opportunity to make their choice"