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  1. @CrazyComposer Well, I meant in Canada, but fair point.
  2. But it's a good one! Public Accounts! #elxn41
  3. Only one in a majority, generally. RT @PhantomObserver: Um . . . I thought that some committee chairs, by convention, have to go to Oppn.
  4. @torontodan I believe @jacklayton may have somethign to say about that...
  5. Oh, I'm a more the merrier sort of person. RT @_Linds_W: Do you think a Liberal Democratic Party is a positve? Do you prefer 2 party system?
  6. @peoplearecraz No, he didn't.
  7. @markroseman Exactly where the opposition was during three Liberal majorities.
  8. And staunchly pro-choice ones. RT @Real_Dr_Roy: How silly. I am also a delegate. There are many gay Tories! #elxn41
  9. I'm not there yet! Must pop into office and grab precious, precious charger! #elxn41
  10. So, will you be supporting resolutions to abolish abortion and imprison the gays? RT @BlueWedge:I'm a delegate.
  11. I forgot my charger at work, and am now left with just one berry and rapidly diminishing bars. #elxn41
  12. Anyway, I'm heading off to Ignatieff's presser at 10am, but don't fear the worst if I disappear from twitterverse for a bit.. #elxn41
  13. I promise I'm not! RT@mc79hockey: You're just pandering to your new majority overlords. Conservatives are terrifying.
  14. Where I think this gets REALLY interesting, from a political perspective, will be in June, when CPC holds its policy convention. #elxn41
  15. I see no reason to believe more than a tiny handful of CPC MPs want to reopen the SSM debate, for instance. #elxn41
  16. I said this before #elxn41, and I'll say it again...
  17. That wld go to judicial review. RT @Stymer: Why what's stopping SH to change leg to make elections every 10 year's, he has majority Votes?
  18. @JordanTimm That was the big one, though.
  19. Or a Liberal Democratic Party govt! :) RT @SilentVolume: If everyone agrees with you, then the result will be an NDP gov't in 2015.