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  1. Congrats to all involved today in #elxn41. Thrilled that Cdns have voted for a strong stable majority #cpc govt.
  2. Massive crowd 4 BC team + PM in Abbotsford - last rally of campaign! Thx all! Next stop majority!
  3. Boistrous crowd to cheer PM and London area candidates. A great day continues!
  4. 650+ early Sun am to greet #PM MrsH +cands in PEI. A great start to the last day of campaigning
  5. @KellyReganNS nope. Saw a mix of signs - the majority was clearly #cpc.
  6. @PeterHarris think of it as a heroic cross cntry dash - no anger involved ;) don't all leaders try to show off their geog reach on eday-1?
  7. I think this fortune cookie was meant for you ...
  8. Happy birthday to PM and our bus driver Tom today!
  9. My view of PM's am event in Richmond Hill - so many in the room I am watching livestream on the bus!
  10. Ford states he has looked at all parties and wants #pmsh and #cpc back with a MAJORITY !!!
  11. Ford states that #pm is best for Toronto and Canada's cities - cites a long list of accomplishments.
  12. Toronto Mayor Rob Ford at GTA rally states - only one leader who will benefit hardworking families in the GTA and that is Stephen Harper!
  13. 2000+ people in "fortress" GTA for PM and candidates! And watch for a special guest! Livecast now.