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  1. @kady I'm waiting with bated breath! Mine also took forever to charge...ugh! Battery life seems pretty good so far...
  2. @kady have had my Playbook 4 a wk now & am quite pleased. App selectn isn't as gr8 as iPad but that will get there.
  3. @stevenchase Probably means u shudnt be using ur BB while you're taking off! :-)
  4. @stephrigaud Hey Steph! Been sooo busy @ work. Hope to see you again soon!
  5. @onexone Hey guys! Thanks! Make sure you give Carlos and Loune a big hug from us and tell them we'll see them hopefully in April!
  6. @SUGOI_Apparel: gr8 photo of my 15 yr old son: 2011 Men's Canadian Nat'l 5K snow shoe champion wearing SUGOI gear
  7. my own son's ambition in life at 13. Fascinating how his experiences have influenced Carlos' dreams & ambitions! #Haiti
  8. Fascinating insight into the mind of a 13-year old boy in #Haiti. Being a dad of a 15 yr old myself, I never thought running an NGO would...
  9. Been chatting on Skype with Carlos, one of the kids at Zanmi Beni #Haiti. His new ambition in life: to run his own NGO...
  10. Love this story: update on @PIH hospital project in Mirebalais! Saw it myself on Feb 12 & it's impressive #Haiti
  11. This is sickening. "@Pulitzercenter: #Haiti - Children sold by traffickers for less than one euro."
  12. This was the scene last Sun @ Pâtisserie Marie Béliard in PV. #Haiti is more than just tent cities!
  13. This pic is from last Sunday - the yummy baked goods from Pâtisserie Marie Béliard, PV, #Haiti!
  14. @stephrigaud LOL! Have a nice rest of the evening! Bonne nuit! Hope to see you again soon.