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  1. @journo_dale My point is that strategists' assumptions, if proven correct, would've been toxic for democracy. This is better.
  2. This is probably a bad time to be all positive about how this campaign has played out. Nevertheless...
  3. I do enjoy that the cop in the Layton story boasts of the force's professionalism in not leaking it.
  4. I guess this is where we find out if Orange Crush really is the left-wing version of the Ford Factor. If so, NDP's numbers go up tomorrow.
  5. @wicary Kind of, but with less paddling. Unless you suggest endorsing the NDP.
  6. @goldsbie It's not a secret society!
  7. For the record, I'm still not convinced Harper can't win his majority. But if he does, it'll make Chretien's in '97 look like an epic sweep.
  8. Stephen Harper hasn't even tried to capture our imagination. Will he live to regret it?
  9. @godot10 Good point, actually. His was less to score points with feds than to help himself in the fall. But not much better.
  10. I'm less bothered by Rob Ford outright endorsing Harper than I was by Brad Wall pretending to be neutral while warning of a coalition.
  11. @tomclarktv Or Moscow!
  12. @jm_mcgrath I doubt he'll supplant Stanfield anytime soon. But I do feel a little bad for him, left holding the bag for his party.
  13. @JacPatterson Or maybe I was asked to profile the guy, so I profiled him. Much as we did a day earlier with Layton.
  14. Incidentally, my colleague Gloria Galloway took the same kind of look at Layton yesterday.
  15. I know we're all talking Jack right now. But here's my take on what kind of politician Ignatieff has turned out to be.
  16. @jeremy_keehn Don't do it. I don't even read the ones on my own columns.
  17. @Nicki_Doyle I'm not on the editorial board any more, so I'll have to leave explanations to others.
  18. To those offended that I said Ignatieff's too apocalyptic: It's possible to not like Harper without thinking the country's going to hell.
  19. @ciaoneocons Not saying most people are thrilled, or don't think we can do better. Just that they're not in a state of deep despair.