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Conference Services

The Conference Services Division offers assistance and advice to the Chair or Co-Chairs with the planning, the organization and the logistics management related to the administration of Federal-Provincial-Territorial and Provincial-Territorial senior level meetings.

It is headed by a Director who provides leadership to all aspects of the planning and operational frameworks related to the program of serving intergovernmental conferences. The director is also responsible for the management of financial and human resources for the Division.

Conference Services personnel are a mix of federal, provincial and/or territorial government employees. Currently, half of the 12 full-time positions are designated federal positions while the other half are designated provincial-territorial secondment positions. This mix of federal, provincial and territorial public servants has served the Secretariat well. It has brought various perspectives, the development of fresh approaches and constantly renewed enthusiasm to the organization while ensuring continuity and neutrality in its delivery of service and a critical level of experience mixed with historical and corporate insight.

A team, led by a Manager of Conference Services is formed for each conference served by CICS based on the needs of that conference. Each Manager is allocated responsibility for “permanent” sectors (e.g. Agriculture, Health, Justice, etc), from the various sectors served by CICS. When conferences are scheduled, the Manager responsible for that sector normally serves the event, unless otherwise committed. In such circumstances the Director of Conference Services will assign the conference to another available Manager. The Director of Conference Services, in concert with the Managers, also determines which team will be assigned “floating” sectors served by CICS, keeping in mind equitable workloads and continuity of service to clients.

Manager of Conference Services (Manager)

Under the general direction of the Director of Conference Services and in consultation with the conference Chair and/or host government, the Manager plans, organizes, manages and oversees the coordination and delivery of administrative support services to senior level intergovernmental conferences. The Manager is also responsible for the overall management and supervision of the conference team. The Manager provides advice to senior management on the development of new approaches and improvements to service delivery and on operational requirements. The Manager also promotes the role and markets the services of CICS.

Conference Administrative Officer (CAO)

Under the direction of the Manager, the CAO is responsible for a variety of administrative services such as: controls and processes conference-related documentation, coordinates translation requests and services, manages the CICS office on conference site, serves as the team’s archivist, prepares and maintains other material required to provide continuity of services, researches information or documentation needed for individual meetings, and supports the Manager in his/her role. The CAO also provides support services to the conference team and to intergovernmental meetings. This includes assisting in pre-conference preparation, managing the delegate registration process. When necessary, the CAO can research costs and coordinate travel arrangements, draft correspondence and participate in the final preparation of the communiqués.

Conference Procurement and Technical Services Officer (CPTSO)

Under the direction of the Manager, the CPTSO provides a comprehensive procurement service for goods and services required at conferences and plans, coordinates and carries out the logistical and technical plans. The CPTSO also assists with budget preparation, sets up the conference facilities, addresses and resolves on-site technical issues and coordinates the transportation of CICS equipment.

Travel Services and Administrative Assistant (TSAA)

The TSAA is responsible for researching costs and coordinating travel arrangements for the conference personnel, as well as making all travel arrangements along with expense claims. The TSAA can also provide administrative support as needed.

Short-Term Staff

For the peak period each year (May-October) a number of short-term staff are hired as Conference Assistants. These people are hired under the FSWEP program, casual appointments, secondments, etc. They join conference teams under the guidance of the Conference Administrative Officers.

Additional Personnel

Additional personnel such as interpreters, translators, technicians, security guards etc. are contracted to join the teams at each conference site, as required.