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Historical Statutes - 1902 to 2002

Explanatory Note: The historical statutes of Yukon are listed here arranged by the year in which they were enacted. Note: These Acts are no longer in force. For the current law, please see Acts and Regulations. The Statutes of Yukon were last officially consolidated to the end of 2002. All Acts that were in force at the end of 2002, including any amendments to those Acts that were in force, were consolidated, revised and enacted as the Revised Statutes of the Yukon 2002 (“RSY 2002”) (other than those noted in Part 2 of the Table of Public Statutes). All of the consolidated Acts in the RSY 2002 were deemed to have come into force on January 1, 2003. All of the Acts enacted before January 1, 2003, which you can access on this page, were deemed to have been repealed.