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About the Assembly

The Legislative Assembly is the parliament of Prince Edward Island, made up of the law-makers and the independent offices and officials who support their work. The 27 elected members represent the constituents of their respective districts as the House considers legislation. Once legislation is passed by the members and assented to by the Lieutenant Governor it becomes law.

Most importantly, the members of the Legislative Assembly are responsible for approving the financial proposals of the government, holding the Premier and Cabinet accountable for their actions and for departmental expenditures.  This is a key function of the Legislative Assembly, ensuring the public - through its elected members - has a say in how public monies are spent.

Annual Reports

Reports are issued in the year following the time period covered by the report. For example, the 2008 annual report covers January to December 2007.

Annual Report 2015

Annual Report 2014

Annual Report 2013

Annual Report 2012

Annual Report 2011

Annual Report 2010

Annual Report 2008

Annual Report 2007


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