Speeches and Presentations - Jean-Claude Ménard

Title Date Published

"Canadian Retirement Income System: successes and challenges" Presentation at the CIA Annual Meeting


Canada: Building a Sustainable Pension System, Beijing, China, February 20, 2017


Actuarial Reports on the Canada Pension Plan as at 31 December 2015 – Presentation to the Board of Directors of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board


Presentation at the SOA Living to 100 International Symposium on the topic of: Mortality Projections for Social Security Programs in Canada. 2017 Living to 100 Symposium, General Session IV, Orlando, FL, 5 January 2017


Viability of Canadian Retirement Income System: Political Consensus and Sound Actuarial Advice, by Jean-Claude Ménard, Chief Actuary, and Assia Billig, Actuary
Office of the Chief Actuary, Office of the Superintendant of Financial Institutions, Canada,
Panama, Panama, November 16, 2016


Presentation at the Finance Circle of Quebec - Conference on retirement, institutional investment and personal finances: Canada Pension Plan Enhancement. Jean-Claude Ménard, Chief Actuary, Office of the Chief Actuary, OSFI, Quebec City, 8 November 2016


Presentation by Jean-Claude Ménard, Chief Actuary, at the 2016 University of Waterloo International Workshop on the Implications of Aging on Asset Values on the topic of “Living to 100 – Would Canada Pension Plan be Sustainable?”


Presentation by Jean-Claude Ménard, Chief Actuary, at the 2016 CPBI Regional Conference Ontario & Québec on the topic of “Enhancing the Canada Pension Plan: Agreement in Principle”


Remarks by the Chief Actuary of Canada, Jean-Claude Ménard, to the Senate Standing Committee on National Finance


Presentation by Jean-Claude Ménard, Chief Actuary, at the Eurostat/ILO/IMF/OECD Workshop on Pensions on the topic of "Communication of Financial Information for the Canada Pension Plan"


Presentation by Jean-Claude Ménard, Chief Actuary, at the Financial Management Institute on the topic of "Funding Actuarial Valuations of Public Sector Pension Plans"

For the Public Sector Pension Plans, the Office of the Chief Actuary is responsible for setting assumptions for actuarial reports for funding purposes that are tabled before Parliament and determine the current service cost of the plans. By 2017, this cost will be equally shared by the government and contributors for the federal public servants and members of Parliament.


Presentation by Jean-Claude Ménard, Chief Actuary, at the International Social Security Association International Research Conference on the topic of "Pillar integration, basic protection and replacement rates in four modern multi pillar pension systems – case of Canada"

"In Canada the first two pillars are successful in providing basic retirement protection. The role of the third pillar is to provide adequate retirement income and diversify the sources of retirement income."


Presentation by Jean-Claude Ménard, Chief Actuary, at the Society of Actuaries’ Annual Meeting on the topic of "Living to 100…will the Canada Pension Plan be sustainable?"

"While an increasing number of Canadians are reaching the age of 100, Canadians, on average, are not expected to live that long. The most recent CPP Actuarial Report cautions that if life expectancies continue to increase at the current rate, especially for ages 75 to 89, it could put additional pressure on the minimum contribution rate causing the rate to increase above 9.9%."


Remarks by the Chief Actuary of Canada, Jean-Claude Ménard, to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Accounts


Presentation by Jean-Claude Ménard, Chief Actuary, to the Board of Directors of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board on the topic of "Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan as at 31 December 2012", 12 February 2014.

"With the legislated contribution rate of 9.9%, contributions are more than sufficient to cover expenditures over the period 2013 to 2022."


Presentation by Jean-Claude Ménard, Chief Actuary, at the Society of Actuaries' Living to 100 International Symposium on the topic of “Mortality Projections of Public Pension Plans in Canada and its financial implications”, 10 January 2014, Orlando, FL, USA.

“Over the next half century, Canadian life expectancy at age 65 is projected to increase by 3 years to reach 25 years. It means that half of Canadian retirees are expected to live past age 90.”


Presentation by the Chief Actuary at the ISSA World Social Security Forum 2013 on the topic of “Proactive and preventive approaches across all risks: Supporting sustainability”, 11 November 2013, Doha, Qatar.

“Intergenerational equity and sustainability discussions should go further than pension systems only. Equity and sustainability need to be considered within a broader framework encompassing, among other factors, spending on education and health and the national debt that will be left to future generations.” 


Remarks to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates, Ottawa, Ontario, June 18, 2013.

Review of Statutory Programs-Public Service Pension Plan


Presentation to the BC Public Sector Pension Conference on the topic "Setting Assumptions for Funding Actuarial Valuations", on 25 April 2013, Victoria, British-Columbia.

"Retirement is expensive and could become even more expensive in the future with improved longevity and uncertain future global economic growth."


Presentation to the International Social Security Association Technical Seminar on "Proactive and Preventive Approaches in Social Security - Supporting Sustainability" on 24 February 2013 in Muscat, Oman, on the topic of “Intergenerational Balance of the Canadian Retirement Income System”.

"The diversification of the Canadian retirement income system, through its mix of public and private pensions and different financing approaches, allows for periodical corrections of the emerging intergenerational imbalances."


Remarks to Standing Senate Committee on National Finance, related to the study of Bill C-46 – An Act to amend the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act, Ottawa, Ontario, Tuesday, October 30, 2012.


Opening Remarks to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Seminar on Demographic, Economic and Investment Perspectives (Years 2012 to 2050), Ottawa, Ontario, 28 September 2012.


Remarks to the Opening Ceremony of the 17th International Conference of Social Security Actuaries and Statisticians, ISSA, Berlin, Germany, 30 May 2012.

“The concept of sustainability is a multifaceted one: it encompasses, in particular, financial, intergenerational and political aspects.”


Presentation, at the Pension, Benefits and Social Security Colloquium, on the topic of “Pension reform in Canada”, 27 September 2011, Edinburgh, U.K.

“According to international organizations, the Canadian retirement income system based on a mix of public and private pensions is an effective way to provide for retirement income needs.”


Presentation, at the Pension, Benefits and Social Security Colloquium, on the topic of “Getting the balance of state and private provisions right”, 26 September 2011, Edinburgh, U.K.

“No matter if it is a fully funded or a PayGo plan, no matter if it is a DB or a DC solution, no matter if it is a national public scheme or a private pension plan, the fact is that increased longevity will continue to put pressure on the financing of pension plans.”


Presentation, at the Pension, Benefits and Social Security Colloquium, on the topic of “Guidelines for social security actuaries”, 26 September 2011, Edinburgh, U.K.

“The actuarial guidelines are not only important to standardize the way actuaries do their work, but they are also very important to better serve the public. To make adequate and timely decisions on any social security schemes, political reviews should be aligned with frequent actuarial reporting.”


Presentation at the colloquium on Issues for Public Retirement Systems, on the topic of “Issues and Reforms”, 10 May 2011, Sherbrooke, Canada.

“What is generally agreed upon is that retirement income security is a shared responsibility between the government, society, employers and individuals. What is difficult to determine is what the different levels of responsibility are or should be, how they interact or should interact with each other, and based on that, the optimal means of improving retirement income adequacy.”


Presentation to the Board of Directors of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, on the topic of the "25th Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan as at 31 December 2009", 8 February 2011, Toronto, Canada.

"Overall, the results confirm that the current legislated rate of 9.9% is sufficient to sustain the Plan over the long term, with assets projected to accumulate to $275 billion by the year 2020".


Presentation to the Society of Actuaries (SOA)’s Living to 100 International Symposium, on the topic of "Mortality projections for Social Security Programs in Canada and its implications", 7 January 2011, Orlando, United States.”


Remarks to the World Social Security Forum, December 1st, 2010, Cape Town, South Africa (PDF, 133 kB) - ARCHIVED

Adapting social security to demographic changes to make it sustainable

“To share the risks associated with living longer, it is necessary to resolve sometimes conflicting objectives: protecting seniors from poverty, preserving the sustainability of social security systems and avoiding substantial intergenerational transfers.”
Video of Jean-Claude Ménard highlighting the work and findings of the Technical Commission on Statistical, Actuarial and Financial Studies during the past triennium, 2008-2010


Presentation to the Society of Actuaries (SOA) Annual Meeting, on the topic of "Actuarial Valuation of the Canada Pension Plan – Modeling Uncertainty and Properly Disclosing the Results", 20 October 2010, New York, New York.


Presentation to the 2010 Society of Actuaries Annual Meeting and Exhibit on the topic of the Role of the Chief Actuary, 19 October 2010, New York.


Opening remarks to the Technical Seminar of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) Technical Commission on Statistical, Actuarial and Financial Studies: “Sustainable Financing and Extension of Social Security Coverage”, 27 April 2010, Montevideo, Uruguay.


Presentation to the 2009 Federal/Provincial Pensions Conference on "The actuarial reports of the Pension Plans for the Public Service, Canadian Forces and Royal Canadian Mounted Police as at 31 March 2008", Ottawa, 23 November 2009.


Remarks to the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women, on the topic of: Women and Pension Security, Ottawa, Ontario.


Presentation to the International Social Security Association Technical Seminar on Pensions: “Which retirement systems and which reforms for which pension?”, Paris, France, on the topic of “International Survey on Self-Adjustment Mechanisms and the long-term sustainability of Canada Pension Plan".


Opening remarks to the 16th International Conference of Social Security Actuaries and Statisticians of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) 16-18 September 2009, Ottawa, Canada.


Presentation to the HRSDC Knowledge Talks series, on the topic of 'The post-turmoil financial sustainability of the Canada Pension Plan', Ottawa, 15 September 2009.


Remarks to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance on the topic of: Measures to Enhance Credit Availability and the Stability of the Canadian Financial System, Ottawa, Ontario, 28 April 2009.


Presentation to the Technical Seminar of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) in collaboration with the Social Security Department of the International Labour Organization, in Geneva, Switzerland, 24 April 2009, on the topic of 'Social Security in Times of Crisis: Impact, Challenges and Responses'.


A presentation – Changing Signals in Social Insurance and Beyond? at the Defining the Characteristics of the 21st Century Retirement System Symposium, as part of the Society of Actuary's strategic project, Retirement 20/20, Washington, D.C., November 17-18, 2008.


Presentation to the Technical Seminar of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) Technical Commission on Statistical, Actuarial and Financial Studies, in Limassol, Cyprus, 30 October 2008, on the topic of 'Optimal financing of social security pension schemes.'


Presentation to the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, Québec City, Quebec, 20 June 2008.


"Main findings of the 23rd Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan as at 31 December 2006 and its independent peer review process", presentation to the Board of Directors of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board on June 16, 2008.


Presentation to the 33rd Annual Conference of ASDEQ, Gatineau, Quebec, 15 May 2008.


Presentation to the Joint Colloquium of the IACA, PBSS and IAAHS Sections of the International Actuarial Association on the topic of "Actuarial and Investment Management Issues for the CPP", Boston, United States, 5 May 2008.


Presentation to the International Research Symposium on the topic of: Mortality projections for Social Security Programs in Canada and its implications, Orlando, United States, Tuesday, 8 January 2008


Presentation: The benefit picture: current and future pressures, to the C.D. Howe Institute, Policy Conference - Canada Pension Plan Reforms Ten Years After: Lessons and Prospects, Toronto, Ontario 10 December 2007


Remarks to the Senate Standing Committee on National Finance on the topic of: the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Ottawa, Ontario, December 4, 2007


Presentation: A Comparative Study of Demographic and Economic Assumptions Used for Actuarial Valuations of Social Security Schemes, to the World Social Security Forum, 29th ISSA General Assembly, Moscow, Russia, 12 September 2007


Presentation: Mortality Projections for Social Security Programs in Canada and the United States,  to the 15th International Conference of Social Security, Actuaries and Statisticians of ISSA, Helsinki, Finland, 24 May 2007


A presentation to the European Institute at the Sovereign Funds Roundtable conference in London, England, 8 May 2007.


A presentation to the SEDAP Conference “Private Pensions and Income Security in Old Age: An Uncertain Future”, McMaster University, Hamilton, November 16, 2006.


A presentation - The Canadian Retirement Income System – a Society Perspective at the Building the Foundation for New Retirement Systems Symposium, as part of the Society of Actuary's strategic project, Retirement 20/20, Washington, D.C., September 28-29, 2006.


"Issues Being Addressed in the 22nd Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan as at 31 December 2006", presentation to the Board of Directors of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board on June 5, 2006.


Is There an Optimal Level of Pre-Funding? -- Optimal Funding of the Canada Pension Plan. Presentation at the 28th International Congress of Actuaries, Paris, May 29, 2006.


Presentations given by Sari Harrel, Actuarial Officer and Jean-Claude Ménard, Chief Actuary of the Office of the Chief Actuary at the Fertility Symposium at the Society of Actuaries Annual Meeting, November 14-15, 2005.


Presentation to the Financial Management Institute of Canada - Ottawa.


Remarks to the Northwind Professional Institute on the Canadian Response to the Evolution of the Retirement Security Net - Langdon Hall, Cambridge.


Remarks to the Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce - Ottawa.


Presentation to the "Public Service Pension Advisory Committee".


Presentation to the “National Academy of Social Insurance Seminar" - Washington.


Opening statement to the Standing Committee on Finance - Ottawa.


Presentation to the Conference Board of Canada Pensions Summit.


Presentation to the 2nd CLC National Pension Conference.


Presentation to the 28th ISSA General Assembly - Beijing.


Global Aging and its Impact on Financial Markets.


Mortality of Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security Beneficiaries: Implications for Public Pensions, including an international comparison.


Canada Pension Plan Actuarial Adjustment Factors.


Mortality of Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security Beneficiaries: Implications for Public Pensions.


Global Aging and its Impact on Financial Markets.


Better financed pension plans in a well-balanced system.


Disability Insurance - Actuarial methods and applications.
