
Request Number Request Text (The texts below are published how they were received)
A-2015-00050 All audits of Senior Executive Team and Board of Directors travel and hospitality expenses April, May, and June of 2015.
A-2015-00049 All audits of Senior Executive Team and Board of Directors travel and hospitality expenses for fiscal year 2014-2015 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015).

We wish to have access to and/or a copy of all and/or any audits of travel and accommodation, including meals, entertainment and incidental, claims made by the President and CEO for visits and stays in Ottawa from 2007 to the present (January 15, 2014).


FY 2008-2009. Audits of Project Vision. Provide copy of any and all audit (internal or external) audits reports on Project VISION.


Please provide under all formats covered under the Access to Information Act, the report prepared and distributed to the Board of Director’s Audit Committee relating to The Vision Project (which covers the background and history of the project, a historical time line encompassing the schedule, scope and costs of the project, a review of the software architecture consideration, the lessons learned and future considerations.)


Please provide under all formats covered under the Access to Information Act, the total amount expended to date on internal and external audit services relating to The Vision Project.


Please provide under the Access to Information Act, all of the minutes of the Board of Director’s Audit Committee relating to Risk Management and Access to Information for the years 2007, 2008 and 2009.


Please provide in all formats covered under the Access to Information Act, Pierre Nollet, the Vice-President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary’s presentation to the Board of Director’s Audit Committee in 2007.


Cost benefits of the Internal Audit function. Copy of any and all reports outlining the nature, scope, benefits and costs of the internal audits for the period of 2002-2007.
Amendment: Cost benefits of the Internal Audit function. Copy of any and all reports outlining the nature, scope, benefits and costs of the internal audits for the period of May to September 2002.


Cost benefits of the Internal Audit function. Provide copies of any and all reports outlining the nature, scope, benefits and costs of the internal audits for the period of October of 2002 to April of 2003.


Cost benefits of the Internal Audit function. Provide copies of any and all reports outlining the nature, scope, benefits and costs of the internal audits for the fiscal year 2003 to 2004.


Cost benefits of the Internal Audit function. Provide copies of any and all reports outlining the nature, scope, benefits and costs of the internal audits for the fiscal year 2004 to 2005.


Cost benefits of the Internal Audit function. Provide copies of any and all reports outlining the nature, scope, benefits and costs of the internal audits for the fiscal year 2005 to 2006.


Cost benefits of the Internal Audit function. Provide copies of any and all reports outlining the nature, scope, benefits and costs of the internal audits for the fiscal year 2006 to 2007.


Cost benefits of the Internal Audit function. Provide copies of any and all reports outlining the nature, scope, benefits and costs of the internal audits for the period of 2007 up to the date of the request.


Provide copy of all records generated by CBC/Radio-Canada to process the following ATIA request:
Our file 07-5050.265; CBC/Radio-Canada A-2007-00250/VES Audits of The Vision Project (2008)


Provide copy of the audits of last three Olympics performed by Deloitte & Touche or equivalent auditing organizations.


Materials submitted in fiscal 2007-2008 to the Audit Committee - Board of Directors. Copy of all documents, briefing notes, briefings, analysis, studies, reports, responses submitted by management to the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors during the first half of fiscal 2007-2008


Internal Audit function. Copy of the structure, manning and hierarchical arrangement of the Internal Audit function. Provide copy of the Audit Plan for fiscal 2005-2006, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008


Quarterly Report. Audit Committee. Copy of quarterly reports to the Audit Committee for period 2005-2006, fiscal 2006-2007, fiscal 2007-2008. Provide copy of minutes of meetings, record of decisions by the said Audit Committee for the same period.


A copy of all audits, including internal ones, completed on any of the operations of the organization in the past three years (2005-2006-2007), along with all memos, reports and responses made to the audits.


Provide actual costs for building and specially designed elevator capable of transporting a large semi-trailer to the top floor of the Toronto CBC/Radio-Canada Broadcast Centre. Provide copy of reports, studies analysis, audits and reviews indicating the utility and cost effectiveness of such a facility.


Provide copy of studies, analysis, reports, examinations, reviews, audits conducted in 2006 or 2007 by or on behalf of CBC/SRC on the subject of absenteeism to ascertain its causes, systemic problems and the manner in which it can be reduced. Provide copy also of any submissions or applications made to the Management Executive committee and decisions or directions thereof.


Provide copy of all records generated by CBC/Radio Canada to process the following ATIA Requests:

  • A2007-00188 PL 07-5043-246. Usage of two High Definition Mobile Trucks
  • A2007-00250 PL 07-5050-265. Audits of The Vision Project
  • A2007-00253 PL 07-5050-268. Travel Expenses Israel-Canada.
  • A2007-00167 PL 07-5032-274. Hockey Night in Canada. Personnel Services Contracts.

Audits of The Vision Project. Provide copy of any and all internal audits reports on The Vision Project for the year 2005.


Audits of The Vision Project. Provide copy of any and all internal audits reports on The Vision Project for the year 2006.


Audits of The Vision Project. Provide copy of any and all internal audits reports on The Vision Project for the year 2007.

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