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Reports and Disclosure

Quarterly Financial Report

The Quarterly Financial Report compares the year-to-date financial information at the end of each quarter of the current fiscal year with the year-to-date financial information at the end of the same quarter of the previous fiscal year.

Reports for the Current Fiscal Year

Previous Reports

No previous report is available

Public Registry of Designated Travellers

Consult the Public Registry of Designated Travellers Frequently Asked Questions.


Consult the Travel chapter of the Members' Allowances and Services Manual for information on the travel provisions available to Members in support of their parliamentary functions.

Members' Allowances and Services Manual

House Officers' Expenditures Report

The House Officers' Expenditures Report summarizes the expenditures incurred by House Officers in the discharge of their parliamentary functions.

Reports for the Current Fiscal Year

  • 2018-2019 Annual Report PDF CSV
  • Third quarter Report PDF CSV
  • Second quarter Report PDF CSV
  • First quarter Report PDF CSV

Previous Reports

Consult the House Officers' Expenditures Report Frequently Asked Questions.


Financial Statements of the House of Commons

Current Financial Statements

The audit of the 2017–2018 Financial Statements resulted in an unqualified audit opinion. The auditor is satisfied that the Financial Statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of the House of Commons.

Financial Statements 2017-2018

Past Financial Statements

Consult the Financial Statements' Frequently Asked Questions.


The Financial Statements include:

  • Statement of Financial Position as at March 31;
  • Statement of Operations and Net Financial Position;
  • Statement of Change in Net Debt;
  • Statement of Cash Flows; and
  • Notes to the Financial Statements.

Reports from the Administration of the House of Commons

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan provides an overview of the priorities of the House Administration for a three year period. It also provides overall guidance for the Administration's operations and for the prioritization of resources and activities. Progress against the Plan is continuously monitored and reported on at the end of each year.

Strategic Plan 2019-2022

Past Strategic Plans

Report to Canadians

The Report to Canadians provides the public with an annual update on Members' parliamentary activities. It also summarizes, based on the priorities laid out in the Strategic Plan, the Administration's accomplishments in support of Members and the institution. A Financial Report is also included.

Report to Canadians 2018

Report on Preventing and Addressing Harassment

During the 41st Parliament, the Board adopted the House of Commons Policy on Preventing and Addressing Harassment, which applies to Members and House Officers as employers, to their employees, and to Research Office employees. The policy addresses harassment prevention, processes for filing informal and formal complaints, investigating and reporting, appeals, and communicating findings. The Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, in its 38th report, recommended to add the Code of Conduct for Members of the House of Commons: Sexual Harassment as an appendix to the House Standing Orders, which came into effect at the start of the 42nd Parliament. This code ensures the commitment of Members of the House of Commons in creating an environment free of sexual harassment so that they can excel in their public duties and functions.

Preventing and Addressing Harassment Report 2017-2018

Past Reports

Legal Fees Policy Disclosure

If a legal issue arises while Members are carrying out their parliamentary functions, the Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel may, in certain situations, refer Members to outside counsel for representation. In such cases, Members may ask the Board of Internal Economy to reimburse their legal fees.

In order to ensure that the process and procedures for the reimbursement of legal fees are widely understood, and to provide additional measures to ensure a harassment-free workplace for employees and Members, the Board approved and adopted the Legal Fees Policy on March 1, 2018. The following disclosure at the end of each quarter is made pursuant to the Legal Fees Policy.

Legal Fees Policy Disclosure