Multi-agency Research Funding Collaboration

SSHRC, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) are working to enhance the co-ordination of their programs, activities and policies. Applicants to any of SSHRC’s grant or scholarship funding opportunities may collaborate with researchers working in fields other than the social sciences and humanities.

For example:

  • Social sciences and humanities faculty may participate as co-applicants, and postdoctoral researchers as collaborators, in NSERC's Strategic Partnership Grants program. Potential applicants are encouraged to visit the NSERC website to find out whether they meet the eligibility requirements and for full details on the program, including how to apply.
  • SSHRC’s Connection Grants, Partnership Grants, and Partnership Development Grants enable funding to formal teams that include participation from researchers (including postdoctoral researchers) from beyond the social sciences and humanities.
  • SSHRC’s Insight Grants and Insight Development Grants enable funding to small teams that include participation from researchers (including postdoctoral researchers) from beyond the social sciences and humanities.
  • The agencies are harmonizing and modernizing their grants management system to better support applicants, administrators and reviewers.

Learn more about collaboration among the federal research funding organizations at