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  1. 2nd period overtime. c'mon Rogers Arena, chirp up! #canucks
  2. Are Environmental Groups Paid By US Interests To Stop Alberta Oil? #cdnpoli #alberta
  3. Interesting comments after my TV interview RE US finding behind our enviros @EzraLevant Show @smalldeadanimal
  4. You're right. My mistake. I'm following you now so please, fire away! Or give me a call: 604.618.8110. @notawordsmith
  5. We should all donate to ENGOs! That way we'd be more involved and they'd be more financially autonomous. @andrew_leach @ezralevant
  6. Hey Bob, I just sent you another direct message so yes, I am following you! I couldn't do that it I wasn't. :) @notawordsmith
  7. @notawordsmith I follow you now. Fire away!
  8. @VisionVancouver finally speaks up but doesn't answer the key questions about Interdependent Investments Ltd. #bcpoli
  9. @jackermann Huh? If I "unfollowed" you, I'd like to know how that happened. I'm trying to get in touch with more media people, not less!
  10. @Gingerk1d James, I disagree with you about Africa. Deforestation there is catastrophic and leads to many severe enviro & social problems.
  11. @Gingerk1d I wouldn't doubt it, but there are places that need philanthropy far more than Canada.... Africa, Asia...
  12. @Gingerk1d There are many countries in the world - and states in the USA - where $300 million could have been better spent than in Canada
  13. @christyclarkbc didn't answer my questions so no, I haven't got to the bottom of it. @RodSmelser @stephen__harris
  14. "The most important question for any politician is the question he doesn't want to answer." Lawrence O'Donnell just said. #bcpoli #cdnpoli
  15. The pricey hotel, the 1rst class flight: Is DSK just a typical European aristocrat? An Oscar-winner yet to be written