Plans and reports


Animal health

Thinhorn sheep risk assessment

Risk Analysis of Pneumonia-Related Pathogen Transmission from Domestic Small Ruminants to Wild Thinhorn Sheep in Yukon and Northern BC PDF document(2016, 61 p.)
This report was produced by the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative for the Department of Environment and explores the disease risks related to interaction between wild sheep and domestic sheep and goats. This report does not represent the current policy direction of the Government of Yukon. Staff of the departments of Environment and Energy, Mines and Resources are currently evaluating this report and will develop specific plans and recommendations based on the information presented here.

Climate change

Report cover of Climate Change Action Plan Progress Report

2015 Climate Change Action Plan Progress Report pdf 2.4 MB


This report provides updates on actions committed to in the Climate Change Action Plan (2009) and Progress Report (2012), an overview of the accomplishments that reach beyond these original commitments, and identifies new activities and initiatives to help achieve the Yukon government’s existing goals.

Report cover of Climate Change Action Plan Progress Report

2012 Climate Change Action Plan Progress Report pdf 1.4 MB


This report details progress made on the Yukon government’s 33 priority climate change actions and on actions that have developed over the last three years.

Cover of Climate Change Action Plan document

Climate Change Action Plan pdf2 MB  (2009)

The Action Plan sets out how the Yukon government is responding to climate change. It shows actions now underway as well as what new or enhanced actions would help advance the government's priorities.

thumbnail - summary of comments on draft climate change action plan

What We Heard: A Summary of Comments on the Yukon Government Draft Climate Change Action Plan pdf500 KB (2008)
The feedback received during the public consultation held May 7 - July 31 is summarized in this report and was used to complete a final version of the Action Plan.

Thumbnail Image - Yukon Gov't Actions on Climate Change 06-07

A Snapshot: Yukon Government Actions on Climate Change during 2006 & 2007 pdf329 KB (2008)
A summary of all Yukon government actions in response to climate change during the period 2006 to 2007.

thumbnail Yukon Government Climate Change Strategy

Yukon Government Climate Change Strategy 2006 pdf3.2 MB
This outlines how the government will build on existing programs, activities and experience to respond to the impacts of climate change.

thumbnail - yukon youth outside the box 2007

Yukon Youth Outside (the box) 2007 pdf490 KB
Reporting the results of the August 29, 2007 workshop that brought 24 Yukoners ages 16 to 27 to Sprucewind Camp at Marsh Lake. The Youth were tasked with the question: What would Youth do, in place of the Yukon Government, if asked to solve Climate Change?

Report cover

Yukon Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The transportation sector
Final Report
pdf icon751 KB

The original purpose of this research project was to build on the available knowledge from previous work done in the Yukon by using a wide variety of data sources to produce a clearer and more detailed picture of the sources of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG’s) from the transportation sector in the territory.

report cover

Yukon Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The transportation sector Updated Report 2015 pdf icon287 KB
This report builds on the March 2013 version (above) with updated data from Environment Canada, Statistics CAnada, Yukon Bureau of Statistics, and YG Finance.


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Knowledge-Based Habitat Suitability Modeling Guidelines PDF file3.6 MB (2012, p. 21)
The goal of this document is to provide territorial standards and guidelines for knowledge-based habitat modeling. The guidelines presented pertain to habitat suitability modeling which refers to the ability of a habitat, in its current state, to provide the life requisites of a species.
ALT Flat Creek Wetlands Preliminary Habitat Assessment PDF file1 MB (2012, p. 17)
The Flat Creek Wetlands (Dawson Land Use Planning Region) are considered a conservation priority due to their ecological importance to various mammals and waterfowl. We conducted 4 aerial surveys to assess wildlife use of the area. Moose, grizzly bear, black bear, beaver, and a wide variety of waterfowl species were observed using the wetlands.
thumbnail image of "Peel Watershed: A Predictive Approach to Reg Watershed Mapping" booklet

Ecosystems of the Peel Watershed: A Predictive Approach to Regional Watershed Mapping PDF file9 MB (2008, 66 p.)
This ecosystem classification helps provide the framework for describing the diversity of landscapes within the Peel Watershed, is a base for wildlife habitat interpretation, and a means to help identify conservation values useful for land use planning.

thumbnail - preventing wildlife injuries from righ of way brushing

Preventing Wildlife Injuries from Highway Right-of-Way Brushingpdf3.1 MB (2008, 28 p.)
This slideshow emphasizes the potential hazards that may arise from improper right-of-way brushing and shows possible solutions.

report cover

Community Ecological Monitoring Program (CEMP) Annual Reports

2013 pdf icon427 KB

2012 pdf icon423 KB

2011 pdf icon534 KB

2010 pdf icon294 KB

2009 pdf icon409 KB

2008 pdf icon157 KB

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Environment Yukon Strategic Plan

Environment Yukon Strategic Plan pdf icon17 MB (2013, 24 p.)

Fish and wildlife management

F & W branch highlight reports Community-based work plans Project summaries Amphibians Aquatic Invasive Species
Bats Birds Bison Caribou Elk
Fish Misc. Moose Rare/Species at Risk Sheep & Goats


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Fish and wildlife branch highlight reports

2015 Report Cover

Fish & Wildlife Branch Highlights 2015 PDF file6.5 MB

This report highlights some of the projects and accomplishments of the Fish and Wildlife Branch in 2015/16 that put the Department of Environment's mission statement into action.

2014 Report Cover

Fish & Wildlife Branch Highlights 2014 PDF file5.3 MB

2013 Report Cover Fish & Wildlife Branch Highlights 2013 PDF file4.3 MB
Report Cover

Fish & Wildlife Branch Highlights 2012 PDF file2.2 MB

Report Cover

Fish & Wildlife Branch Highlights 2011 pdf icon4.6 MB

Report Cover

Fish & Wildlife Branch Highlights 2010 pdf icon4.6 MB

Report cover

Fish & Wildlife Branch Highlights 2009 pdf icon7.4 MB

Community-based fish and wildlife work plans

Cover of VGFN Wildlife Management Plan

Fish and Wildlife Work Plan, Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Traditional Territory 2014-2019 pdf icon2.0 MB

This work plan addresses issues related to habitat, moose, freshwater fish, caribou, monitoring, and stewardship in the Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Traditional Territory.

Cover of VGFN Wildlife Management Plan

Fish and Wildlife Work Plan, Vuntut Gwitchin Traditional Territory 2013-2018 pdf icon1.2 MB

This work plan addresses issues related to fish and wildlife populations and monitoring, managing human-wildlife conflicts, harvest and education, and habitat in the Vuntut Gwitchin Traditional Territory.

Little Salmon/Carmacks Community-Based Fish & Wildlife Work Plan

Fish and Wildlife Work Plan, Little Salmon/Carmacks Traditional Territory 2012-2017 PDF file3 MB

This work plan addresses issues related to fish and wildlife populations, habitat, harvest and information gaps in the Little Salmon/Carmacks Traditional Territory.

Fish & Wildlife Work Plan Thumbnail Image

Regional Assessment of Wildlife in the Yukon Southern Lakes Area, Volume 1: Context and Recommendations PDF file1.5 MB

The Southern Lakes Regional Wildlife Assessment and Recommendations is a joint effort by the Canadian, British Columbian, and First Nations governments to recover and conserve wildlife populations and their habitat in the Southern Lakes area. This volume describes the Committee and its work, current wildlife management regimes, and includes the Committee’s recommendations.

Fish & Wildlife Work Plan Thumbnail Image

Regional Assessment of Wildlife in the Yukon Southern Lakes Area, Volume 2: Species Status Assessment PDF file750 KB

A status assessment of each species and their habitats in the Southern Lakes area.

Aquatic Invasive Species

Report cover Aquatic Invasive Species Survey: 2014 pdf940 KB (2014, 21 p.)

Results of the 2014 Aquatic Invasive Species survey questionnaire, assessing the level of awareness around Yukon aquatic invasives.

report cover

Development of a Framework for Management of Aquatic Invasive Species of Concern for Yukon: Literature Review, Risk Assessment and Recommendations pdf icon1.2 MB

(2016, 96 p.)

Report on and recommendations for the prevention, detection, and management of 16 Aquatic Invasive Species.

report cover Invasive Species Survey: Didymo Algae 2014 pdf900 KB (2015, 11 p.)

Summarizes findings on the distribution of didymo algae in Yukon.

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report cover Status Report on Amphibians in the Yukon pdf icon2.5 MB

(2011, 34 p.)

Yukon is home to four species of amphibians. As part of Yukon’s commitment to manage the Western Toad (a species of Special Concern), this report presents a status update for all Yukon amphibians.

Report Cover

Management Plan for Yukon Amphibians pdf icon2 MB

(2013, 14 p.)

The goals of this plan are to maintain healthy populations of amphibians across their ranges in Yukon to prevent species from becoming Threatened or Endangered. Four species are found in Yukon: Western Toad (Anaxyrus boreas), Boreal Chorus Frog (Pseudaris maculata), Columbia Spotted Frog (Rana luteiventris) and Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvaticus).

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Report cover

Estimating Little Brown Bat (Myotis Lucifugus) Colony Size in Southern Yukon: A Mark-Recapture Approach pdf icon486 KB

(2013, 14 p.)

The little brown bat is currently assessed as Endangered by COSEWIC (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada). The main threat to these bats is the alien and invasive disease white nose syndrome, which is responsible for the collapse of populations in northeastern North America. Bats are also considered important indicators of ecosystem health. As such, monitoring Yukon populations of bats is of management interest.

Report cover

Conserving and Monitoring Little Brown Bat Colonies in Yukon: 2014-2015 Annual Report pdf icon710 KB (2016, 21 p.)

Report cover

Conserving and Monitoring Little Brown Bat Colonies in Yukon: 2013 Annual Report pdf icon427 KB (2014, 15 p.)


Report cover

Conserving and Monitoring Little Brown Bat Colonies in Yukon: 2012 Annual Report pdf icon1.6 MB (2013, 25 p.)

Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifugus) are currently assessed in Canada as an Endangered species. The key threats are disease, climate change, loss of roosting habitat, and persecution by property owners and managers. Environment Yukon has been monitoring Little Brown Bat colonies at key locations in southern Yukon since 2007.

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Gyrfalcon Survey, North Yukon (2014, 10 p.) PDF file681 KB

Environment Yukon maintains a database of raptor nesting sites throughout the Yukon. This report presents results from a 2014 survey of North Slope Gyrfalcon nesting sites.

Black Guillemot Population & Nexting Success at Herschel Island Monitoring Black Guillemot population and nesting success at Herschel Island, Yukon (2005) PDF file680 KB
The Black Guillemot colony at Pauline Cove on Herschel Island is the only one in the Yukon, and one of the few in the western Arctic. This colony has been monitored for population and nesting success since about 1984.

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report cover

Population Inventory of the Aishihik Wood Bison Herd: Southwestern Yukon, 2014 pdf icon1.4 MB (2014, 15 p.)

Between July 4 and 10, 2014 an inventory of Aishihik bison was conducted. The results will be used to inform managers and project partners on the population status of the herd, refine harvest models, and, ultimately, help with setting the annual allowable harvest for the next few years.

Report cover

Niche Overlap and the Potential for Competition Between Reintroduced Bison and Other Ungulates in Southwestern Yukon pdf icon3.15 MB (2013, 106 p.)

Between 2009 and 2010, we initiated field studies to investigate the overlap in the diets of bison and other ungulates. We used available data to also look for potential competition for habitat. In addition, we conducted a late-winter aerial survey of range to determine the overlap in time and space of these species during this critical season.


Management Plan for the Aishihik Wood Bison Herd in Southwestern Yukon PDF5.2 MB  (2012, 32 p.)

The plan provides a broad framework to guide the management of the herd, while addressing local concerns and interests.

Report cover

Monitoring and Management Activities for the Aishihik Bison (Bison bison) Herd, Southwestern Yukon: 2013-2014 Annual Report PDF2.1 MB  (2016, 20 p.)

Report cover

Monitoring and Management Activities for the Aishihik Bison (Bison bison) Herd, Southwestern Yukon: 2012-2013 Annual Report PDF1.6 MB  (2016, 19 p.)

Report cover

Monitoring and Management Activities for the Aishihik Bison (Bison bison) Herd, Southwestern Yukon: 2011-2012 Annual Report PDF2.8 MB  (2016, 32 p.)

Report cover

Population Inventory of the Aishihik Wood Bison (Bison Bison Athabascae) Herd in Southwestern Yukon pdf icon870 KB

(2012, 14 p.)

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report cover

Northern Mountain Caribou Management Guidelines pdf icon1.6 MB (2016, 29 p.)

These guidelines provide an overview of the scientific information used by Environment Yukon and other parties to make monitoring and harvest management decisions specific to Northern Mountain caribou populations in Yukon.

thumbnail of caribou recovery programs report Three Decades of Caribou Recovery Programs in Yukon: A Paradigm Shift in Wildlife Management pdf308 KB
A look back at Caribou Recovery Programs - provides a record of understanding of the changes observed.
Report cover

Yukon Woodland Caribou Composition Surveys 2012 pdf icon246 KB (2013, 11 p.)

Fall composition surveys are one of the key tools used by Environment Yukon to monitor mountain-dwelling woodland caribou herds in Yukon. Calf:cow and bull:cow ratios are estimated during aerial surveys, providing measures of the herd’s productivity and sex ratio, respectively.

Report cover

Range Assessment As a Cumulative Effects Management Tool: A Recommended Approach for Environment Yukon

pdf icon1.28 MB (2013, 60 p.)

While woodland caribou were identified as the initial Yukon focal wildlife species to be considered for range assessment methods, the general approach described here may also be broadly applicable to grizzly bear, moose or sheep.

Aishihik and Kluane Northern Mountain Caribou
Aishihik and Kluane Northern Mountain Caribou Herd Census 2009 Cover

Aishihik and Kluane Northern Mountain Caribou Herds Census, 2009 pdf633 KB
Environment Yukon censused the Aishihik and Kluane northern mountain caribou herds during March 2009. This report provides the results of these surveys and suggest that the current management approaches for both herds are appropriate.

Bonnett Plume Caribou
Report cover

Habitat Survey: Bonnet Plume Caribou Herd, Late Winter 2011  pdf icon1.18 MB (2013, 13 p.)

The main purpose of this survey was to map the distribution and late-winter habitats of caribou in this area.

Carcross Caribou
report cover

Range Assessment as a Cumulative Effects Management Tool: Assessment of the Carcross Caribou Herd Range in Yukon pdf icon6 MB (2015, 84 p.)

Chisana Caribou
Cover thumbnail image of Management Plan for the Chisana Caribou Herd Report 2010-2015

Management Plan for the Chisana Caribou Herd Report 2010-2015

A management plan with the ultimate goal of supporting a stable or increasing population for the Chisana Caribou Herd.

Thumbnail image Lichen Assessment Chisana Caribou Range 2011 cover

Lichen Assessment: Chisana Caribou Range 2011 419 KB (2011, 12 p.)

A survey of lichen abundance and distribution of caribou forage lichen accross a portion of the Chisana caribou herd range.

Report cover

Population Estimate: Chisana Caribou Herd 2013 pdf icon405 KB

(2016, 16 p.)

Results of a collaborative survey to estimate the composition and size of the Chisana caribou herd.

Report cover

Population Estimate: Chisana Caribou Herd 2010 pdf icon405 KB

(2013, 14 p.)

Status of the Chisana Caribou Herd Cover Thumbnail

Status of the Chisana Caribou Herd PDF file946 KB (2002, 24 p.) Report on the recovery plan and herd management strategy for the Chisana Caribou of the Yukon/Alaska border region. Includes maps and charts.

chisana caribou recovery herd thumbnail

Recovery of the Chisana Caribou Herd in the Alaska/Yukon Borderlands: Captive-Rearing Trials PDF file1.3 MB (2009)
A report of the trials to assess the efficacy of a captive-rearing approach to increase calf survival in the Chisana Caribou Herd, a small, declining population of woodland caribou in the Alaska/Yukon borderlands.

Finlayson Caribou
Finlayson Caribou Herd Population Survey Thumbnail

Finlayson Caribou Herd Late-Winter Population Survey PDF file2.9 MB (2007)
This report describes the results of a late-winter population survey of the Finlayson caribou herd, a population of woodland caribou found east of Ross River in the southeast Yukon.

Forty Mile Caribou
Thumbnail cover of Habitat Selection Forty Mile Caribou in the Dawson Region Late Winter

Habitat Selection Forty Mile Caribou in the Dawson Region Late Winter pdf icon1.5 MB (2012, 31 p.)

A model of late winter habitat selection by Forty Mile caribou in the Dawson region. This report predicts selection patterns for future winter range expansion.

Little Rancheria Caribou
thumbnail - habitat mgt in yukon winter range of little rancheria caribou herd

Habitat Management in the Yukon Winter Range of the Little Rancheria Caribou Herd pdf868 KB (2003, 36 p.)
The current status of the winter range for the Little Rancheria caribou herd situated west of Watson Lake and a review of current research with suggested management approaches.

thumbnail - caribou winter habitat quality

Little Rancheria Caribou in the Yukon: Evaluation of Winter Habitat Quality and Habitat Use pdf2.5KB (2004, 74 p.)
Technical information gathered on this herd between 1990 and 2000, including an analysis of habitat quality and habitat use through the latter years of the study.

Klaza Caribou
Report cover

A Range Assessment for the Klaza Caribou Herd in the Dawson Range of West-Central Yukon

pdf icon7.5 MB (2016, 101 p.)

A summary of the current habitat and population of the Klaza woodland caribou herd in response to management concerns resulting from high levels of mineral exploration activity in the Dawson Range area.

Appendix B pdf icon6.0 MB (2016, 29 p.)

Report cover

Inventory Studies: Klaza Caribou Herd 2012 Activities

pdf icon1.47 MB (2013, 21 p.)

A large-scale inventory study of the Klaza caribou herd (west of Carmacks)began in 2012 due to concerns regarding the level of industrial activity taking place in the herd’s range.

Porcupine Caribou

thumbnail - porcupine caribou management plan

Porcupine Caribou Management Plan PDF file944 KB (from Yukon Fish & Wildlife Co-Management Website)
For three-year period 2000 - 2003. Includes management objectives and principals, current status, work plans and action plans.

thumbnail scientific rationale document

Scientific Rationale for Implementing Conservation Measures to Protect the Porcupine Caribou Herd PDF file1.7 MB (42 p.)

thumbnail - presentation

Presentation: Rationale for Yukon Government's Proposed Conservation Measures to protect the Porcupine Caribou Herd PDF file1.1 MB (47 p.)

South Nahanni and Coal River Caribou

Report cover

South Nahanni and Coal River Northern Mountain Caribou Herds: Population Status and Demographic Characteristics PDF file1.13 MB (2016, 37 p.)
Description of population and demongraphic work conducted on the South Nahanni and Coal River herds from 2008 - 2011.


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report cover

Management Plan for Elk in Yukon pdf612 KB MB (2016, 28 p.)
This plan provides an adaptive framework to guide the management of the Takhini and Braeburn elk herds in Yukon.

Report cover

Ecologically Sustainable Carrying Capacity for Elk: Braeburn Herd Range, Yukon pdf icon2.33 MB (2012, 75 p.)

Over the past 20 years, the Braeburn elk herd size is reported to have increased, potentially leading to an increase in conflict with agriculturalists, resource competition with moose, and the rate of collisions with vehicles. In response, a key recommendation from the 2008 Yukon Elk Management Plan was to identify the ecologically-sustainable carrying capacity of the Braeburn elk range.

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Lake Trout Population Assessment Caribou Lake 2011

Angler Harvest Surveys

Bennett Lake pdf181 KB (2009, 20 p.)

Dezadeash Lake pdf icon399 KB (2014, 33 p.)

Ethel Lake pdf icon325 KB (2012, 26 p.)

Fish Lake pdf154 KB (2010, 21 p.)

Frances Lake pdf169 KB (2009, 26 p.)

Kathleen Lake pdf173 KB (2004, 26 p.)

Kusawa Lake pdf icon143 KB (2006, 27 p.)

Lake Laberge pdf icon150 KB (2007, 25 p.)

Little Atlin Lake  pdf icon170 KB (2008, 31 p.)

Lubbock River Spring pdf icon331 KB (2014, 25 p.)

Marsh Lake pdf icon144 KB (2007, 27 p.)

McIntyre Creek pdf icon186 KB (2004, 42 p.)

Nares River pdf icon416 KB (2009, 22 p.)

Pine Lake pdf191 KB (2009, 23 p.)

Tagish Bridge pdf icon275 KB (2007, 29 p.)

Teslin Lake pdf224 KB (2008, 26 p.)

Snafu Lakes pdf icon412 KB (2013, 36 p.)


Burbot Population Assessments

Little Fox Lake 2012 pdf icon772 KB (2014, 41 p.)

Pine Lake 2012 pdf icon1.26 MB (2013, 53 p.)

Squanga Lake 2013 pdf icon485 KB (2013, 32 p.)

Lake Trout Population Assessment Caribou Lake 2011

Lake Trout Population Assessments

Bennett Lake pdf984 KB (2001, 2009, 11 p.)

Caribou Lake pdf379 KB (2011, 25 p.)

Dezadeash Lake pdf icon613 KB (1995, 2001, 2006, 45 p.)

Ethel Lake pdf icon 547 KB (2012, 20 p.)

Fish Lake pdf icon942 KB (2010, 21 p.)

Fox Lake pdf icon833 KB (2013, 27 p.)

(includes whitefish)

Kluane Lake pdf icon825 KB (2014, 30 p.)

(includes whitefish)

Lake Laberge pdf826 KB (1991, 1999, 2004, 2009, 12 p.)

Lewes Lake pdf icon1.36 KB (2012, 27 p.)

Louise (Jackson) Lake pdf icon377 KB (2011, 22 p.)

Lower Snafu Lake pdf icon523 KB (2010, 18 p.)

Pine Lake pdf icon990 KB (2010, 15 p.)

Sekulmun Lake pdf icon1.41 MB (2010, 13 p.)

Tarfu Lake pdf icon392 KB (2010, 19 p.)

Ta'tla Mun (Tatlmain Lake) pdf icon710 KB (2011, 40 p.)

Teslin Lake pdf991 KB (1997, 2003, 2009)

Wellesley Lake pdf509 KB (2009, 26 p.)

Grayling Population Study Thumbnail cover

Method Development - Population Assessment

Arctic Grayling - Assessment using snorkel surveys pdf icon427 KB (2010, 27 p.)

Burbot - Assessment using long lines, hoop traps, and cod traps pdf icon545 KB (2014, 27 p.)

Fish Lake 2012: Lake Trout Population & Multi-Year SPIN Survey Comparison pdf icon681 KB (2014, 25 p.)

Lake Trout Population Assessment Methods: A Comparison of Spin and Mark-Recapture--Caribou Lake 2012 pdf icon334 KB

(2014, 28 p.)

Lake Trout - Summer Profundal Index Netting (SPIN) pdf icon310 KB (2011, 12 p.)

Cover of Peel Watershed Fish Habitat Assessment

Peel Watershed Fish Habitat Assessment pdf1.8 MB (2011, 44 p.) This report presents findings on fish distribution and habitat in the remote upper Peel Watershed.

Fish survey cover

Sport Fishing in Yukon -
Summary Reports of Recreational Fishing in Canada Survey

Summarizes the results of surveys of sport fishing in Yukon. Provides info about recreational fishing including origin of anglers, demographics, economic impacts, quality of fishing and fisheries management issues.

2005 Summary Report PDF file273 KB (20 p.)

2000 Summary Report PDF file143 KB (11 p.)

1995 Summary Report PDF file247 KB (15 p.)

1990 Summary Report PDF file158 KB (16 p.)

Fish & Wildlife Branch Highlights 2010

Stocked Lakes
Stocked Lakes Survey 2011
PDF file 0.4 MB
See what anglers had to say about Yukon's Stocked Lakes Program in the results of our 2011 Stocked Lakes Survey.

Status of Yukon Fisheries Thumbnail

Status of Yukon Fisheries PDF file1.1 MB
The Status of Yukon Fisheries provides an overview of the history and current status of Yukon fisheries, identifies current issues, and provides suggestions for the direction of fisheries management.

Lake Trout Status Table PDF file102 KB
A separate table on the status of Lake Trout.

Report cover

North Yukon Freshwater Fish Monitoring Study pdf icon1.5 MB

The objective of the study was to gather data on freshwater fish and their distribution in selected lakes, rivers and streams to improve understanding of species presence and diversity.


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report cover

Moose Management Guidelines

pdf icon1.79 MB (2016, 35 p.)

These guidelines provide an overview of the scientific information used by Environment Yukon and other parties to make monitoring and harvest management decisions specific to moose populations in Yukon.
report cover

Mayo Community Moose Monitoring Project, 2001-2013 Review pdf icon1.6 MB (2014, 24 p.)

The main purpose of this project was to evaluate the utility and feasibility of using observations of hunters to provide useful annual information about the status of the local moose population.

report cover

Moose Survey: Upper Hyland Late-Winter Intensive Stratification 2013 pdf icon2.3 MB (2016, 24 p.)

Moose survey in the Upper Hyland and Nahanni Range Road area from March 9 to 14, 2013.

report cover

Moose Survey: South Canol Early-Winter 2013 pdf icon1.7 MB (2016, 15 p.)

Moose survey in South Canol study area south of Faro from November 15 to 29, 2013.

report cover

Moose Survey: Teslin Burn Area, Early-Winter 2013 pdf icon3.3 MB (2014, 28 p.)

Moose survey was conducted November 19 to 28, 2013. The main purposes of this survey were to estimate numbers, distribution, and age and sex composition of moose, and to determine potential population trends.

Report cover

Moose Survey: Rackla Area, Late-Winter 2013 pdf icon962 KB

(2013, 15 p.)

The main purpose of this survey was to map the distribution and late-winter habitats of moose in this area.

Report cover Late Winter Habitat Selection by Moose in the Dawson Land Use Planning Region pdf icon984 KB (2013, 30 p.)
report cover

Moose Survey: North Canol Early-Winter 2012 pdf icon2 MB (2016, 28 p.)

Moose survey in the North Canol study area northest of Ross River from November 17 to 23, 2012.

Report cover

Moose Survey: Lower Stewart River West - White Gold Area, Early-Winter 2012 pdf icon4.43 MB (2013, 21 p.)

This was the first count of moose in this area, which is experiencing a high level of advanced mineral exploration. The main purposes of this survey were to estimate the abundance, distribution and population composition of the moose population.

Report cover

Moose Survey: Lower Stewart Riverwhite Gold Area, Late-Winter 2012 pdf icon 1.51 MB (2013, 16 p.)

This survey was conducted using a fixed-wing
aircraft in the area between the Stewart and Yukon rivers west of the Klondike Highway and Lake Creek, and west to the White River. The main purpose was to map the distribution and late-winter habitats of moose in this area.

Cover of the Faro Moose Survey, Early Winter 2011

Moose Survey: Faro, Early Winter 2011 pdf icon1.52 MB (2012, 35 p.)

An early winter survey of moose in the Faro area to estimate the abundance, distribution, composition  and population trend of the local moose population.

Report cover

Moose Survey: M'Clintock Area, Early-Winter 2011 pdf icon1.07 MB (2012, 24 p.)

The purpose of this survey was to estimate numbers, distribution, and age and sex composition, and to determine potential population trends.

Report cover

Moose Survey: Mayo Moose Management Unit, Late-Winter 2014 pdf icon4.3 MB (2016, 18 p.)

The main purpose of this survey was to map the distribution and late-winter moose habitats in this area.

Report cover

Moose Survey: Mayo Moose Management Unit, Early-Winter 2011 pdf icon1.18 MB (2012, 19 p.)

The main purpose of this survey was to estimate the abundance, distribution, and population composition of the moose population.

Tatchun Moose Survey 2011

Moose Survey: Tatchun Moose Management Unit, Late Winter 2011 pdf icon2.79 MB (2011, 21 p.)

A late winter survey of moose in the area northeast of Carmacks and southeast of Pelly Crossing to estimate the abundance, distribution, and age and sex composition of the area's moose population.

Moose Survey Whitehorse North cover thumbnail Moose Survey: Whitehorse North, Late-Winter 2011pdf icon1.9 MB (2011, 30 p.)

A late-winter survey of moose in the Whitehorse North area to estimate the abundance, distribution, and age and sex composition of the Whitehorse North moose population.

Report cover

Moose Survey: Nisutlin South, Early-Winter 2010 pdf icon2.19 MB (2012, 30 p.)

We conducted an early-winter survey of moose in the Nisutlin South area north of Teslin on November 27 – 28, and December 1 – 5, 2010. The main purposes of this survey were to estimate abundance, distribution, age and sex composition, and population trend of the local moose population.

Report cover

Moose Survey: Whitehorse South, Early-Winter 2010

pdf icon3.14 MB (2014, 39 p.)

We conducted an early-winter moose survey in the Whitehorse South area from November 18 to December 6, 2010. The purpose of the survey was to estimate abundance, distribution, age and sex composition, and examine population trends.

Cover of the Upper Klondike Highway Moose Survey, Late Winter 2010

Moose Survey: Upper Klondike Highway, Late-Winter 2010

pdf icon2.06 MB (2012, 17 p.)

The main purpose of this survey was to map the distribution and late-winter habitats of moose in this area.

Cover of Moose survey: M'Clintock Area, Late-Winter Intensive Stratification 2010

Moose Survey: M'Clintock Area, Late-Winter Intensive Stratification 2010 pdf icon1.63 MB (2011, 19 p.)

The purpose of the survey was to map moose distribution and to identify important late-winter habitats.

report cover

Summary of the Alsek Early-Winter 2008 Moose Survey pdf icon794 KB (2009, 40 p.)

We conducted an early-winter survey of moose in the Alsek area south of Haines Junction on November 5-10 and 12-13, 2008. The main purpose of this survey was to estimate the abundance, distribution, and composition of the moose population.

Dawson Moose Survey, 2008

Moose Survey: Dawson, Early Winter 2008 pdf icon3.18 MB

(2008, 61 p.)

An early winter survey of moose in the Dawson area to estimate the abundance, distribution, and age and sex composition of the Dawson moose population.

Cover of the Little Salmon & Magungy Rivers Late Winter Moose Survey, 2007

Moose Survey: Little Salmon and Magundy Rivers, Late-Winter 2007 pdf icon2.42 MB (2013, 15 p.)

The main purpose of this survey was to map the distribution and late-winter habitats of moose in this area.

Cover of Yukon and Tatchun Rivers Moose Survey, Late Winter 2007

Moose Survey: Yukon and Tatchun Rivers, Late-Winter 2007

pdf icon 2.47 MB (2013, 17 p.)

The main purpose of this survey was to map the distribution and late-winter habitats of moose in this area.

Report cover

Moose Survey: Lower Stewart River Moose Management Unit, Early Winter 2001 pdf icon1.79 MB (2013, 18 p.)

The main purposes of this survey were to estimate the abundance and distribution of moose, and proportions of calves, yearlings, cows, and bulls in the population.


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Sheep & Goats

thumbnail - draft mgt plan for dall sheep in northern richardon mtns

Draft Management Plan for Dall's Sheep in the Northern Richardson Mountains pdf2.7MB (2008, 33 p.)
The plan provides recommendations and actions to conserve the Dall's sheep population in the Northern Richardson Mountains. First Nations, co-management boards, and public government worked in partnership to develop this recommended draft plan.


Dall's Sheep in the Northern Richardson Mountains - Status Report Summary PDF file55 KB (2011, 2 p.)
This document summarizes what is known of Dall's sheep in the Northern Richardson Mountains, based on results from scientific studies combined with the documented local and Traditional Ecological Knowledge of northern aboriginal people.

Dall's Sheep Survey cover Dall's Sheep Survey Southern Lakes Region pdf document icon391 KB

(2009, 13 p.)
Summary results of  an aerial sheep survey spanning almost 16,000 km2 in Game Management Zones 5, 7, 8, and 9.

Cover image - Late Winter Habitat Selection by Sheep in the Dawson Region

Late Winter Habitat Selection By Sheep in the Dawson Region pdf icon593 KB (2012, 12 p.)

An evaluation of late winter habitat selection by sheep in the Dawson region. Identification and protection of late winter habitat is thought to be critical to maintaining sheep populations.

Mountain Goat Survey of SW Yukon and NW BC, 2007

Mountain Goat Survey of Southwest Yukon and Northwest British Columbia 2007 pdf document icon909 KB (2007, 13 p.)
Approximately 10 000 km2 of mountain goat range along the border region between Atlin B.C. and Haines Junction Yukon was surveyed during February and March 2007. Surveyors counted 331 goats, evenly distributed between eastern and western parts of the survey area.

Cover of the Itsi Range Mountain Goat Survey, July 2012

Mountain Goat Survey: Itsi Range, July 2012 pdf icon344 KB

(2013, 9 p.)

In July 2012 Environment Yukon conducted a survey of mountain goats in the Itsi Range of east-central Yukon. Increasing mineral exploration in the area and the possibility of upgrades to the North Canol Highway, coupled with this population being open to harvest, were all factors leading to the survey.

Dall's Sheep Status Report

Status of Dall's Sheep (Ovis dalli dalli) in the Northern Richardson Mountains PDF file805 KB (2011, 64 p.)
This report describes what is known of Dall's sheep in the Northern Richardson Mountains, based on results from scientific studies combined with the documented local and Traditional Ecological Knowledge of northern aboriginal people.

Sheep Management Guidelines

pdf icon706 KB (1996, 11 p.)  

These management guidelines were developed by the Sheep Management team from Environment Yukon. The management principles, concepts and assumptions outlined here represent the consensus of the team.

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Report cover Ecology and Management of Wolves in the Porcupine Caribou Range, Canada 1987 to 1993 PDF file2.3 MB (2016, 50 p.)
Results of studies carried out on wolves to understand ecological relations with caribou and other ungulate prey, and evaluate factors that affect wolf abundance, home range use, reproduction, recruitment, survival, dispersal and predation.
Yukon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan

Yukon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan pdf document icon1.2 MB  (May 2012, 24 p.)
The Yukon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan is part of the Government of Yukon’s ongoing commitment to promote the sustainable use of wildlife resources. It is intended to guide wolf conservation and management throughout Yukon, ensuring that the roles of wolves and their prey species are respected.

Cover image: Wolf Survey in the Nisutlin River Basin, February, 2011

Wolf Survey in the Nisutlin River Basin PDF file868 KB (2011, 19 p.)
Results of the 2011 Nisutlin Basin wolf survey, flown February 5-18, 2011.

Cover of report "Can non-lethal methods effectively reduce wolf numbers"

Can non-lethal methods effectively reduce wolf numbers? PDF file111 KB (2011, 6 p.)
Results of the Aishihik wolf fertility control experiment where 23 wolves were surgically treated between 1994 and 2003.

Report cover: Does Training Trappers Improve Wolf Trapping Success

Does Training Trappers Improve Wolf Trapping Success? PDF file(2011, 17 p.)
Between 1998 and 2007, Environment Yukon trained and supported 126 local trappers to be more effective harvesters of wolves. Provides the results of The Community-Based Wolf Trapping Initiative.

Wolf Conservation Management Plan Thumbnail

Yukon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan PDF file 3.8 MB (1992, 17 p. booklet)
This plan was developed by a citizen advisory group and adopted by the Yukon government.

Wolf Survey in the Coast Mountains Thumbnail

Wolf Survey in the Coast Mountains, 2009

A wolf population assessment of the Coast Mountains which provides information needed to assess the impact wolves may be having on moose and caribou in the region.


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Rare and/or At Risk Species

Report cover

Collared Pika Occupancy in Tombstone Territorial Park, Yukon: 2013 Survey Results pdf icon451 KB (2014, 18 p.)

The Collared Pika is considered an indicator species for climate change, because of their sensitivity to climatic fluctuations and the natural isolation of suitable habitat. Given their susceptibility to climate change, they are listed as Special Concern in the federal Species at Risk Act.

Report cover

Distribution of the Ogilvie Mountains Collared Lemmings in Tombstone Territorial Park, Yukon pdf icon659 KB (2013, 15 p.)

In August 2011, we trapped small mammals on 12 mountains in Tombstone Territorial Park to learn more about the distribution of Ogilvie Mountains collared lemmings.

Report cover

Wolverine Carcass Collection Project: 2013-2014 Annual Report

pdf icon367 KB (2016, 18 p.)

A summary of data collected from trapper-submitted wolverine carcasses from the 2013-14 harvest.

Report cover

Wolverine Carcass Collection Project: 2013 Progress Report

pdf icon627 KB (2013, 39 p.)

We collected basic biological information from trapper-submitted wolverine carcasses in order to examine the role of such projects to provide data useful for management purposes.

Report cover

Yukon Conservation Data Centre Annual Progress Report April 2014 - March 2015

pdf icon895 KB (2016, 18 p.)

Report summarizing activities of the The Yukon Conservation Data Centre, which gathers, maintains and distributes information on species at risk or of conservation concern in Yukon.


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Project Summaries

2016-17 Fish & Wildlife Branch Project Summaries pdf icon1.2 MB
Report cover

2015-16 Fish & Wildlife Branch Project Summaries pdf icon1.9 MB


Report cover

2014-15 Fish & Wildlife Branch Project Summaries pdf icon1.1 MB


Report cover

2013 -2014 Fish & Wildlife Branch Project Summaries: UPDATES pdf icon1.7 MB

Report cover

2013-14 Fish & Wildlife Branch Project Summariespdf icon1.2 MB


cover of Fish and Wildlife Branch Projects 2012-2013

2012-13 Fish and Wildlife Branch Projects pdf icon458 MB

Fish and Wildlife Branch Projects 2010 - 2011

2011-12 Fish and Wildlife Branch Projects pdf icon554 KB


thumbnail - fish & wildlife inventory program proect summaries 2008 2008 Fish & Wildlife Inventory Program Project Summariespdf655 KB (75 p.)

thumbnail - 2007 fish and wildlife inventory program project details

2007 Fish & Wildlife Inventory Program Project Summariespdf842 KB (78 p.)

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aviation policy review cover

Aviation Policy Review of Wildlife Agencies in Canada pdf842 KB (32 p.)

A cross-Canada review of aviation policies for aerial-based fish and wildlife fieldwork, highlighting risk management and safety strategies for air charter practices.

report cover

Large Mammal Vehicle Collisions: Overview of Mitigations and Analysis of Collisions in Yukon pdf icon822 KB (2015, 95 p.)

The Yukon government established an interdepartmental working group to address wildlife-vehicle collisions in Yukon with the goal of reducing vehicle collisions with wildlife, in particular large mammals.

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Heritage Rivers


Bonnet Plume River Monitoring Report 1997-2007 pdf800 KB
A review of the Bonnet Plume Canadian Heritage River to meet the requirements for a 10-year review of nomination values under the Canadian Heritage River System.


Bonnet Plume Canadian Heritage River Management Plan
pdf2 MB
Provides a framework for future watershed management and decision making. It includes a work program that outlines the roles and responsibilities, cooperative working arrangements, issues, information gaps, tools and actions that need to be considered to manage resource use effectively.


Managing the Tatshenshini River as a Canadian Heritage River pdf933 KB
Provides a river management strategy for the Tatshenshini River (Yukon Portion)

Thirty Mile Yukon River Management Plan Cover

Yukon River: Thirty Mile Section - A Canadian Heritage River Management Plan pdf8.2 MB  (1990)
Provides a river management plan for a section of the Yukon River located north of Whitehorse

Thirty Mile River 10 Year Review Cover

Yukon River: Thirty Mile Section 10 Year Review 1990 - 2002 pdf618 KB
A 10 year review of the Thirty Mile Section of the Yukon River to ensure it continues to meet CHRS selection and integrity guidelines.

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Report cover

Hunter Satisfaction: A Survey of Yukon Licensed Moose and Caribou Hunters, March 2013 pdf icon531 KB

We interviewed 810 licensed Yukon hunters who held at least one moose or caribou seal in the 2012 hunting season. Our objective was to measure their satisfaction with their hunting experience that year.

Report cover

Hunter Effort Survey: Resident Sheep and Goat Hunters, 2012

pdf icon546 KB (2013, 20 p.)

This survey gathered information from sheep and goat seal holders following the close of the 2012 hunting season. It collected details on hunter effort, such as sheep and goat
hunting styles, modes of transportation, hunting party size, trip length, and motivations for hunting.

Report cover

Guidelines to Establish Outfitter Quotas

pdf icon3.3MB (1997, 12 p.)

The approved guidelines for establishing harvest quotas for outfitting concessions in Yukon, together with supporting correspondence between the Minister, the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board, and the Outfitter Quota Committee.

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Impact Studies


Atlin Lake Campground Reserve: Identification of Wildlife Values and Summary of Potential Impacts of Campground Development pdf icon789 KB

The primary objectives of the site visit were to investigate and
document use of the Reserve by woodland caribou, to conduct a preliminary risk assessment for bear-human conflict based on the prevalence of primary forage species, and to provide initial recommendations to mitigate any identified risks.

Report cover

Conrad Campground Reserve: Identification of Wildlife Values and Summary of Potential Impacts of Campground Development pdf icon3.2 MB

The primary objective of the site visit was to investigate and document use of the project site by wildlife. Terrestrial resources are discussed herein, but fisheries resources are not considered.

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Parks and protected areas

Devil's Elbow Habitat Protection Area Management Plan

Devil's Elbow and Big Island Habitat Protection Areas Management Plan PDF document(2012, 32 p.)
A detailed plan for managing Devil’s Elbow and Big Island Habitat Protection Areas. Includes map.

thumbnail - herschel island park management plan Herschel Island - Qikiqtaruk Territorial Park Management Plan pdf800 KB
Provides strategic direction and identifies performance measures that more accurately reflect the Park's current and predicted future use while updating the plan to reflect new legislative changes.

thumbnail horseshoe slough management plan

Horseshoe Slough Management Plan (from Yukon Fish & Wildlife Co-Management Website) (2002, 20 p.)
A detailed plan for managing the Horseshoe Slough Habitat Protection Area. Includes map.

thumbnail Lhutsaw Wetland Habitat Protection Area

Lhutsaw Wetland Habitat Protection Area Management Planpdf3 MB (2013, 36 p.)
A management plan for the Lhutsaw Wetland Habitat Protection Area. Includes maps

fishing branch management plan thumbnail

Ni'iinlii'Njik (Fishing Branch) Wilderness Preserve & Habitat Protection Area Management Plan PDF file785 KB (2004, updated 2010 36 p.)
A detailed plan for managing the Ni'iinlii'Njik Wilderness Preserve and Habitat areas.

Fishing Branch Management Plan Cover

Ni'iinlii Njik (Fishing Branch) Ecological Reserve & Settlement Land R-5A & S-3A1 Management Plan PDF file497 KB (2004, updated 2010)
A detailed plan for managing the Fishing Branch Ecological Reserve, R-5A, and S-3Al

Fishing Branch Human-Bear Risk Mgt Plan Cover

Ni'iinlii Njik (Fishing Branch) Ecological Reserve & Settlement Land R-5A & S-3A1 Human-Bear Risk Management Plan (Schedule B) PDF file689 KB (2006, updated 2010)
A Risk Management Plan which provides the most current standards and guidelines for promoting human safety and ecological integrity of the Ni’iinlii Njik (Fishing Branch).

thumbnail old crow flats management plan

Old Crow Flats Special Management Area Management Plan (2006, 68 p. booklet)

This Special Management Area includes one of the most important wetland and lake complexes in Canada, the Old Crow Flats (Van Tat K’atr’anahtii).

Parks & Outdoor Recreation Policy 1991

pdf icon 1.9 MB (1991, 22 p.)

Original policy outlining the process for selecting, establishing and managing Yukon territorial parklands.

Report cover Ta'tla Mun Special Management Area Management Plan
pdf icon 1.3 MB (2013, 24 p.)
The SMA management plan focuses on the conservation of eight species of freshwater fishes and their habitat within Ta’tla Mun, including lake trout, lake whitefish and northern pike.
thumbnail tombstone territorial park management plan Tombstone Territorial Park Management Plan PDF file8.7 MB
The Tombstone Territorial Park Management Plan provides a clear, long-term vision and direction for the future management and operation of the park. This plan provides for the protection of the natural, historic and cultural resources of the Park.
Tsawnjik Chu Nordenskiold Habitat Protection Area Mgt Plan Cover

Tsâwnjik Chu Nordenskiold Habitat Protection Area Management Plan PDF file(2010)
A management plan that sets out the recommended activities for the Tsâwnjik Chu (Nordenskiold) wetland complex.

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Results of the 2007 Invasive Plants Roadside Inventory in Yukon Results of the 2007 Invasive Plants Roadside Inventory in Yukon
PDF file3.3 MB, November 2008
Mapping Invasive Plants in Downtown Dawson City 2008 Mapping Invasive Plants in Downtown Dawson City
PDF file0.9 MB, June 2009

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Klondike Soft Gold Evaluation Cover

Evaluation of the Klondike Soft Gold Program PDF file2.2 MB (2008, 72 p.)
Results and recommendations from the review of the "Klondike Soft Gold Program" an initiative to revitalize the fur industry in Yukon, relying in particular on the marketing of a product brand.

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Best management practices for Works Affecting water in Yukon cover

Best Management Practices for Works Affecting Water in Yukon pdf icon(2012, 118 p.)

Helps developers comply with environmental regulations and avoid or mitigate the negative environmental impacts of development activities.

Draft Yukon Water Strategy for Public Review pdf icon3.4 MB (2013, 19 p.)
A water strategy will clarify the government’s approach to water management using a framework of goals and priority actions. The deadline for comments is May 31, 2013. Use the feedback form (133 KB) to provide comments.

Cover of Public Review of the Draft yukon Water Strategy: A Summary of Comments

Public Review of the Draft Yukon Water Strategy, What We Heard: A Summary of Comments pdf icon1.6 MB (2013, 28 p.)

A summary of what we heard during the public review of the Draft Yukon Water Strategy. It reflects feedback recieved from 126 formal submissions as wellas 145 attendees at public meetings about the draft document.

Report cover

Yukon Water Strategy and Action Plan pdf icon5 MB (2014, 44 p.)

The strategy is a big-picture plan with six priorities for maintaining the quality, quantity and health of Yukon water for both nature and people. It provides a comprehensive approach for making decisions about water in Yukon and is aimed at what we ultimately want of water, not necessarily specific uses of water.

Guidance Document on Water and Mass Balance Models for the Mining Industry

Guidance Document on Water and Mass Balance Models for the Mining Industry PDF file2.6 MB (2011, 248 p.)

Also available in French PDF file2 MB (2011, 255 p.)

Provides guidance in the development of integrated water and mass balance models for mine development operating tailings or heap leach facilities. Addresses various water resource components of the mine planning process in order to assist with mine design operations, while ensuring the protection of the environment.

Contact Water Resources for Microsoft Excel copies of Appendix B and C.

cover of Dam Guide: Design Expectations and Required Information

Dam Guide: Design Expectations and Required Information PDF file975 KB (2012, 12 p.)
The Dam Guide, jointly prepared by Environment Yukon, Yukon Government and YESAB describes design expectations and supporting information required for dam or water control structure construction. It is intended to support, not replace, direct discussions between proponents, assessors and regulators. Topics covered include: general information, assessment and licencing process, information requirements, operations and decommissioning.

image of cover of Yukon Water Climate Change vulnerabilities report

Yukon Water: An assessment of climate change vulnerabilities PDF file7 MB (2011, 98 p.)
This report provides a snapshot of current and forecasted water resource issues in Yukon related to climate change.

Whitecap report cover

Yukon Wide Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Program Community of Whitehorse Wells 2001-2010 Monitoring Data Analysis pdf document icon276 (2011, 19 p.)
Since 2001, four long-term monitoring wells have been established in the community of Whitehorse. This report presents results from these wells in the community of Whitehorse.

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Wildlife Viewing

Cover of Wildlife Viewing Strategy

Yukon Wildlife Viewing Strategy pdf document icon1.3 MB (2013, 7 p.)
This YG strategy outlines a vision for promoting and developing viewing opportunities in Yukon, and invites interested departments, communities, and organisations to participate.

report cover A Celebration of Swans: Wildlife Viewing Program Annual Report, 2015 pdf icon3 MB (2016, 25 p.)

Summary of A Celebration of Swans programs and activities for 2015.

report cover A Celebration of Swans: Wildlife Viewing Program Annual Report, 2014 pdf icon3.2 MB (2015, 30 p.)

Summary of A Celebration of Swans programs and activities for 2014.

report cover

A Celebration of Swans: Wildlife Viewing Program Annual Report, 2013 pdf icon4 MB (2014, 22 p.)

This report describes Swan Haven / A Celebration of Swans program activities from January to December, 2013.

report cover

Wild Discoveries: Wildlife Viewing Program Annual Report, 2015 pdf icon1.88 MB (2016, 19 p.)

Summary of interpretive programs offered in 2015, as part of the Wild Discoveries project.

report cover

Wild Discoveries: Wildlife Viewing Program Annual Report, 2014 pdf icon3 MB (2015, 23 p.)

Summary of interpretive programs offered in 2014, as part of the Wild Discoveries project.

report cover

Wild Discoveries: Wildlife Viewing Program Annual Report, 2013 pdf icon1.5 MB (2014, 16 p.)

Wild Discoveries is a collection of wildlife interpretation and nature appreciation programs. This report includes programs that were offered from January to December 2013.

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Contact Environment Yukon

Phone: 867-667-5652
Toll-free (in Yukon, NWT & Nunavut):
1-800-661-0408 ext. 5652
Fax: 867-393-7197

Email: environmentyukon@gov.yk.ca
Address: Box 2703 (V-3A) Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y1A 2C6