A Celebration of Swans

2020 festival cancelled and interpretive centre closed

The Wildlife Viewing Program has cancelled all in-person events related to A Celebration of Swans in 2020. Additionally, Swan Haven Interpretive Centre will be closed for the season.

We still want Yukoners to celebrate the return of spring! If you are able to get out, explore the trails and birding hotspots around the territory. If you’re at home, watch your bird feeder for new spring migrants and start getting ready for summer.

Schedule of online events

You can still join us in appreciating nature in your own backyard and together online! See the schedule below for virtual wildlife viewing events. You can participate over Facebook or Instagram @Yukonwildlifeviewing.

April 4

Yukon Watercolours

9 a.m.

Grab your paint brush, water colours and paper/canvas and get outside to paint. We challenge you to complete a watercolour painting outdoors of what spring looks like to you. Post a picture of your completed watercolour on our Facebook page or email to wildlife.viewing@gov.yk.ca and enter your name in a draw for a prize. 

April 8

Birding 101 Part 2 - Colour Pattern

10 a.m.

Learn how to identify the birds of spring in Yukon. This week we will look at how colour patterns can help us identify birds.

April 11

Build a Nest Box

9 a.m.

Build a nest box for your outdoor space together.  Easy and fun for the whole family. 

Read instructions on how to build the box, available from Yukonstruct.

April 15

Birding 101 Part 3 - Understanding Behaviour

10 a.m.

Learn how to identify the birds of spring in Yukon. This week we look at how bird behaviour will help us to identify the birds in our backyards.

April 18

Going on a Bird Hunt

9 a.m.

Play eye spy these birds along your walking trails with our spring scavenger hunt checklist.

April 22

Birding 101 Part 4 - Habitat

10 a.m.

Learn how to identify the birds of spring in Yukon. For the last birding class this spring, let's find out how habitat plays a key role in identifying the birds we see.

April 25

Spring Scavenger Hunt

9 a.m.

Spring is here! Get outside and see how many items you can check of your list. Find 12 of the 16 items, post photos of all the starred items to our Facebook page to have your name entered in a draw for a prize.

April 29

Hear, Here – the sound of silence

9 a.m.

Go for a walk along your favourite trail and find a comfortable spot. Set your timer for three minutes and listen. What did you hear? Did you hear birds? Does silence have a sound? Post your experiences on our Facbook page


For questions about A Celebration of Swans and wildlife viewing events, email wildlife.viewing@gov.yk.ca or phone: 867-667-8291 or toll free in Yukon: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 8291.