The Reporting Guide

The Reporting Guide is the single location for recipients to get all the reporting requirements for the financial and program performance aspects of their funding agreement with Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC).

INAC will publish a Reporting Guide for each fiscal year no later than 90 days before the fiscal year begins. The Department may amend the Reporting Guide during the fiscal year to which it applies, but only if the amendment is due to a Treasury Board of Canada requirement. The Department will also let funding recipients know promptly of any such amendment.

Annual Report Initiative

In any collaborative government relationship, a certain amount of information needs to be exchanged in order to measure performance, ensure results and manage programs that are funded. Historically, First Nations have questioned the amount of the information they have to provide to government and the burden this represents. A number of measures to address this problem are being introduced – reporting requirements will be reduced to a minimum, reporting will be consolidated and streamlined, and automated reporting systems will be enhanced.

As part of the Minister's commitment to simplify reporting for First Nations, the Department is introducing an Annual Report Initiative for those First Nations who want to work with this process. First Nation communities will have access to an online portal where they can complete reporting requirements online. The forms to be completed in the portal will already have information provided by the department wherever possible. First Nations will only need to verify or update that data. A benefit of this process will be that quarterly reporting dates are fixed to facilitate planning in the communities. Another benefit of this process is the ability to automatically generate an annual summary (Annual Report) of performance and results drawn from the quarterly reports. The Annual Report can be used by First Nations to report back to their communities on the outcomes of the financial investments that have been made over the year.

The Department will work together with First Nations on improvements to the Annual Report process and will provide ongoing support and training to those First Nations who choose this reporting approach.

Financial Reporting Requirements

Reporting on the use of public funds to community members and to Canadians is an essential element of the management control framework for transfer payments at INAC.

Financial reporting is undertaken to gather information on whether funds provided are spent on the purposes intended, that terms and conditions of funding agreements are met, and that the recipient's financial situation is sufficiently stable in order to assure continued delivery of funded programs and/or services.

All governing bodies are ultimately accountable to their stakeholders. As such, INAC must demonstrate to the Canadian public, through the Minister, Parliament and the Auditor General of Canada that all funds, including those transferred to First Nations and other recipients are spent in accordance with the terms and conditions of funding agreements.

Below are the financial reporting requirements that funding recipients are expected to meet:

Program Reporting Requirements

INAC collects program data to support statutory requirements, resource allocation, performance reporting, accountability, program planning, policy analysis and operational requirements.

Below are the program reporting templates, listed by program type, that funding recipients may be required to complete under their funding agreements. Funding recipients are not required to complete any templates other than those listed to fulfill the program reporting requirements of their funding agreements.

For ease of reference, the corresponding Data Collection Instrument (DCI) number is listed next to the templates allowing recipients to be sure they are completing the correct program report as listed in their funding agreement with the Department.


For previous years' program reporting requirements, please contact your regional office.


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2016-2017 – Program Reporting Forms – Data Collection Instruments (DCIs)

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Aboriginal Peoples and Communities

Aboriginal Partnerships/Tools for Governance

  • Basic Organizational Capacity Program Annual Report (DCI# 1323248)
    • Note: The Basic Organizational Capacity Program Annual Report should be generated from the Basic Organizational Capacity Program Funding Application PAW# 1323247 in PDF. Please refer to the electronic version of the application and select the "Generate Report" button.

Acts, Agreements, Treaties


IMPORTANT: The list below is simply a representation of the data fields. The actual reports are available on the INAC Services Portal or through your Regional Office. Some of these reports will be available with your pre-populated data, which will save you preparation time. If you have any questions please contact your Regional Office.


Infrastructure and Housing

Lands and Economic Development

Northern Affairs Organization

Social Programs

Various Programs

2015-2016 – Program Reporting Forms – Data Collection Instruments (DCIs)

Show all or hide all

Aboriginal Peoples and Communities

Aboriginal Partnerships/Tools for Governance

Acts, Agreements, Treaties


IMPORTANT: The list below is simply a representation of the data fields. The actual reports are available on the INAC Services Portal or through your Regional Office. Some of these reports will be available with your pre-populated data, which will save you preparation time. If you have any questions please contact your Regional Office.


Infrastructure and Housing

Lands and Economic Development

Northern Affairs Organization

Social Programs

Various Programs

2014-2015 – Program Reporting Forms – Data Collection Instruments (DCIs)

Show all or hide all

Aboriginal Peoples and Communities

Aboriginal Partnertships/Tools for Governance

Acts, Agreements, Treaties


IMPORTANT: The list below is simply a representation of the data fields. The actual reports are not yet available at this time. This web page will be updated once they are available on the INAC Services Portal or through your Regional Office. Some of these reports will be available with your pre-populated data, which will save you preparation time. If you have any questions please contact your Regional Office.


Infrastructure and Housing

Lands and Economic Development

Northern Affairs Organization

Social Programs

Various Programs

For any questions regarding reporting requirements and their submission to the Department, please contact the appropriate regional office.

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