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Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Common menu bar links


Departments and Agencies

This comprehensive list provides direct links to the primary Web sites of Government of Canada departments, agencies and Crown corporations, as well as links to Web sites maintained by organizations for which various departments and agencies are responsible.

If the name of the organization you are looking for is not listed, try consulting the Population Affiliation Report. It contains information on all current Government of Canada departments, agencies, Crown corporations and special operating agencies, and also includes a listing of organizations that no longer exist or that have been privatized.

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  13. Z


  1. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

    1. Review Tribunal (Agriculture and Agri-food)

  2. Assisted Human Reproduction Canada

  3. Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

  4. Atlantic Pilotage Authority

  5. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited


  1. Bank of Canada

    1. Bank Notes

    2. Currency Museum

  2. Business Development Bank of Canada


  1. Cadets Canada

  2. Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

  3. Canada Business

  4. Canada Council for the Arts

  5. Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation

  6. Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions

  7. Canada Firearms Centre

  8. Canada Industrial Relations Board

  9. Canada Lands Company Limited

    1. Canada Lands Company

    2. Old Port of Montréal Corporation Inc.

  10. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

  11. Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

  12. Canada Post Corporation

  13. Canada Public Service Agency

    1. Human Resources Management Modernization

      1. Public Service Modernization Act Resource Centre

    2. Human Resources Networks

    3. Human Resources Planning, Accountability and Diversity

    4. Leadership Network (The)

    5. Office of Public Service Values and Ethics

    6. Official Languages Branch

  14. Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

    1. Child and Family Benefits

  15. Canada School of Public Service

  16. Canada Science and Technology Museum Corporation

    1. Canada Agriculture Museum

    2. Canada Aviation Museum

    3. Canada Science and Technology Museum

  17. Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA)

  18. Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal

  19. Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility

  20. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

  21. Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

  22. Canadian Coast Guard

  23. Canadian Commercial Corporation

  24. Canadian Dairy Commission

  25. Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

  26. Canadian Food Inspection Agency

  27. Canadian Forces Grievance Board

  28. Canadian Grain Commission

  29. Canadian Heritage

    1. Aboriginal Affairs

    2. Canadian Conservation Institute

    3. Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board

    4. Canadian Heritage Information Network

    5. Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion

    6. Exchanges Canada

    7. International Affairs Branch

    8. Multiculturalism

    9. Official Languages

    10. Sport Canada

    11. Virtual Museum of Canada

  30. Canadian Human Rights Commission

  31. Canadian Human Rights Tribunal

  32. Canadian Institutes of Health Research

  33. Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)

  34. Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat

  35. Canadian International Development Agency

    1. Youth Zone

  36. Canadian International Trade Tribunal

  37. Canadian Judicial Council

  38. Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation

    1. Canadian Museum of Civilization

      1. Canadian Children's Museum

      2. Canadian Postal Museum

      3. IMAX® Theatre

    2. Canadian War Museum

    3. Virtual Museum of New France

  39. Canadian Museum of Nature

  40. Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

  41. Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency

  42. Canadian Polar Commission

  43. Canadian Police College

  44. Canadian Police Research Centre

  45. Canadian Race Relations Foundation

  46. Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

  47. Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)

    1. Integrated Threat Assessment Centre (ITAC)

  48. Canadian Space Agency

  49. Canadian Tourism Commission

  50. Canadian Transportation Agency

  51. Cape Breton Growth Fund (CBGF)

  52. Citizenship and Immigration Canada

  53. Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development

  54. Communications Security Establishment

  55. Competition Bureau

  56. Competition Tribunal

  57. Copyright Board Canada

  58. Correctional Service of Canada (CSC)

  59. Courts Administration Service

  60. Criminal Intelligence Service Canada


  1. Defence Construction Canada

  2. Defence Research and Development Canada (Defence R&D Canada)

    1. Research Centres


  1. Elections Canada

    1. Chief Electoral Officer of Canada

  2. Employment Insurance Board of Referees

  3. Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation

  4. Environment Canada

    1. Canada-Chile Agreement on Environmental Cooperation

    2. Canadian Ice Service

    3. Canadian Wildlife Service

    4. Clean Air On-line - Canada's Clean Air Act

    5. Climate Change

    6. Freshwater

    7. Meteorological Service of Canada

    8. National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI)

    9. North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC)

  5. Environmental Protection Review Canada

  6. exportSource.ca

  7. Export Development Canada


  1. Farm Credit Canada

  2. Federal Bridge Corporation Limited

  3. Federal Court

  4. Federal Court of Appeal

  5. Federal Healthcare Partnership

  6. Federal Labour Standards Review

  7. Finance Canada, Department of

    1. Canada Investment and Savings (Canada Savings Bonds)

  8. Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC)

  9. Financial Transaction and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC)

  10. Fisheries and Oceans Canada

    1. Aquaculture

    2. Atlantic Fisheries Policy Review

    3. Canadian Hydrographic Service

    4. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat

    5. Fisheries Resource Conservation Council

    6. Integrated Science Data Management

    7. Marine Navigation Services

    8. Marine Services On-line

    9. Oceans and Fish Habitat

    10. Regions

    11. Science

  11. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

    1. Canada in the World

    2. Canadian Offices Abroad

    3. Canadian Trade Commissioner Service

    4. Consular Affairs

    5. Doing Business With Canada

    6. International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS)

    7. Invest in Canada

    8. Passport Canada

    9. Regions of the World

    10. SafeLane - Canada's Guide to the Global Ban on Landmines

    11. Trade Negotiations and Agreements


  1. Governor General of Canada

  2. Great Lakes Pilotage Authority Canada


  1. Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission

  2. Health Canada

    1. Pest Management Regulatory Agency

  3. House of Commons

  4. Human Resources and Social Development (HRSD)

    1. Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership (ASEP)

    2. Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security

    3. Community Development and Partnerships Directorate

    4. Employment Insurance (EI)

    5. Federal Public Sector Youth Internship Program

    6. Homelessness Partnering Strategy

    7. Labour Program

    8. Learning Program

    9. National Literacy Secretariat

    10. Office for Disability Issues

    11. Service Canada

    12. Workplace Skills

    13. Youth Employment Strategy Programs


  1. Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

  2. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

    1. Aboriginal Business Canada

    2. Indian Oil and Gas Canada

    3. Indian Claims Commission

    4. Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada

    5. Office of the Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians

  3. Industry Canada

    1. Broadband for Rural and Northern Development

    2. Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)

    3. CommunAction.ca

    4. Communications Research Centre Canada

    5. Electronic Commerce Branch

    6. FedNor - Federal Economic Development Initiative in Northern Ontario

    7. Industrial Technologies Office (ITO)

    8. Information and Communications Technologies

    9. Innovation in Canada Portal

    10. Investment Canada Act

    11. Measurement Canada

    12. Office of Consumer Affairs

    13. Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy

    14. Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications (SITT) Gateway

    15. Spectrum Management and Telecommunications

    16. Strategis see Industry Canada

  4. Infrastructure Canada

  5. Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics

  6. International Development Research Centre

  7. International Joint Commission


  1. Justice Canada, Department of


  1. Laurentian Pilotage Authority

  2. Library and Archives Canada

    1. Canadian Genealogy Centre

    2. Information Management Services

    3. Learning Centre

    4. Multicultural Resources and Services

    5. Portrait Gallery of Canada

    6. Preservation


  1. Marine Atlantic

  2. Military Police Complaints Commission


  1. National Arts Centre

  2. National Battlefields Commission

  3. National Capital Commission (NCC)

  4. National Defence and the Canadian Forces

    1. Canada's Air Force

      1. Air Force Reserve

    2. Canada's Army

      1. Army Reserve

    3. Canada's Navy

      1. Naval Reserve

    4. Cadets Canada

    5. Canadian Forces Liaison Council

    6. Canadian Forces Pension Office

    7. Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency (CFPSA)

    8. Canadian Post War Military and Dependant Graves

    9. Canadian Rangers and Junior Canadian Rangers

    10. Chief of the Defence Staff

    11. Dependent Education Management

    12. Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff

    13. Directorate of History and Heritage

    14. Human Resources Military

    15. Human Resources Civilian

    16. National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman

    17. National Search and Rescue Secretariat

    18. Recruiting

    19. Vice Chief of the Defence Staff

  5. National Energy Board

  6. National Farm Products Council

  7. National Film Board of Canada

  8. National Gallery of Canada

    1. Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography

  9. National Joint Council

  10. National Parole Board

  11. National Research Council Canada

    1. Biotechnology Research Institute

    2. Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information

    3. Canadian Technology Network

    4. Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics

    5. Industrial Materials Institute

    6. Industrial Research Assistance Program

    7. Institute for Aerospace Research

    8. Institute for Biodiagnostics

    9. Institute for Biological Sciences

    10. Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental Technology

    11. Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation

    12. Institute for Information Technology

    13. Institute for Marine Biosciences

    14. Institute for Microstructural Sciences

    15. Institute for National Measurement Standards

    16. Institute for Ocean Technology

    17. Institute for Research in Construction

    18. Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Institute

    19. Plant Biotechnology Institute

    20. Research Press

    21. Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences

  12. National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

  13. National Search and Rescue Secretariat

  14. Natural Resources Canada

    1. Atlas of Canada

    2. Canadian Forest Service

    3. Earth Sciences Sector

      1. Geological Survey of Canada

      2. Geomatics Canada

      3. Polar Continental Shelf Project

    4. Energy, Minerals and Management Information Centre

    5. Energy in Canada

    6. Minerals and Metals Sector

      1. Explosives Regulatory Division

    7. Office of Energy Efficiency

  15. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

  16. Networks of Centres of Excellence


  1. Office of the Auditor General of Canada

  2. Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs

  3. Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages

  4. Office of the Commissioner of Review Tribunals CPP/OAS

  5. Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner

  6. Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner

  7. Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada

  8. Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

  9. Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists

  10. Office of the Secretary to the Governor General

  11. Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions


  1. Pacific Pilotage Authority Canada

  2. Parks Canada

  3. Parliament of Canada

  4. Passport Canada

  5. Patented Medicine Prices Review Board

  6. Pension Appeals Board

  7. Policy Research Initiative

  8. Prime Minister of Canada

  9. Privy Council Office

    1. Intergovernmental Affairs

    2. Office of the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons

    3. Office of the Leader of the Government in the Senate

  10. Public Health Agency of Canada

    1. Canadian Health Network (CHN)

    2. Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control (CCDPC)

    3. Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response (CEPR)

    4. Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control (CIDPC)

    5. Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses (LFZ)

    6. Centre for Healthy Human Development (CHHD)

    7. National Microbiology Laboratory (NML)

    8. Public Health Agency of Canada - Alberta and Northwest Territories Region

    9. Public Health Agency of Canada - Atlantic Region

  11. Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC)

  12. Public Safety Canada

    1. Canada Border Services Agency

    2. Canada Firearms Centre

    3. Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)

    4. Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP

    5. Correctional Service of Canada (CSC)

    6. Emergency Management

    7. Inspector General of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service

    8. Integrated Threat Assessment Centre (ITAC)

    9. National Crime Prevention Strategy

    10. National Parole Board

    11. Office of the Correctional Investigator

    12. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

    13. Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee

  13. Public Sector Integrity Canada

  14. Public Sector Pension Investment Board

  15. Public Service Commission of Canada

    1. Employment Opportunities in the Public Service

  16. Public Service Labour Relations Board

  17. Public Service Staffing Tribunal

  18. Public Works and Government Services Canada

    1. Business Access Canada

    2. Canadian General Standards Board

    3. Compensation Sector

    4. Consulting and Audit Canada

    5. Consulting, Information and Shared Services Branch

      1. Depository Services Program

      2. Government of Canada Publications

    6. Federal Public Service Pension Plan

    7. Government On-Line

    8. Industrial Security Sector

      1. Canadian and International Industrial Security Directorate

      2. Controlled Goods Directorate

      3. Program Harmonization and Services Directorate

    9. Information Technology Services (ITS)

    10. Professional Services Procurement Directorate

    11. Receiver General for Canada

    12. Translation Bureau


  1. Receiver General for Canada

  2. Regulation Web Site

  3. Royal Canadian Mint

  4. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)


  1. Security Intelligence Review Committee

  2. Senate of Canada

  3. Service Canada

  4. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

    1. Canada Research Chairs

  5. Species at Risk Act Public Registry

  6. Standards Council of Canada

  7. Statistics Canada

    1. 2001 Census of Canada

    2. 2006 Census of Canada

  8. Status of Women Canada

  9. Supreme Court of Canada


  1. Tax Court of Canada

  2. Telefilm Canada

  3. Transport Canada

    1. Office of Boating Safety

  4. Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada

  5. Transportation Safety Board of Canada

  6. Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

    1. Chief Information Officer Branch (CIOB)

    2. Modern Comptrollership

    3. Regulatory Affairs and Orders in Council Secretariat

    4. Reports of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


  1. Veterans Affairs Canada

  2. Veterans Review and Appeal Board Canada

  3. VIA Rail Canada Inc.


  1. Western Economic Diversification Canada